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so I'm on a dating site

If you get into a relationship with no physical attraction, it really doesn't last. If you get into a relationship with no emotional attraction, it really doesn't last. Both are needed, and emotional attraction includes compatible personalities as well.
Well there's some exceptions but yes that's 90% truth
Yes, but very few exceptions. I'd say even less than 10% exceptions unless you are saying that some more things are important to people, because those two things are a must for almost everyone.
Well I guess yes in THIS society it should be more than 90% I was trying to be optimistic but idk Let me ask you one question do you look for good genes for your offsprings or just for your own satisfaction
Aug 10, 13 at 12:25am
I don't mate to procreate.
Aug 10, 13 at 12:45am
I don't think it's a matter of how symmetrical your facial structure is. You see a lot of people who may not be the same shape as like a fashion model or a VS model but you still consider physically attractive because, in my opinion, it's all about how someone carries themselves. Confidence is a huge factor in physical attraction. Just the way you carry yourself can elevate how someone else sees you. Why is it a good idea to post a picture of yourself, especially if you're on a dating site is so that a person can get a feel for how you are. Are you someone who looks like they are friendly or approachable? Do you look like someone who cares about how you present yourself? How do you portray yourself, do you look like someone who isn't comfortable with yourself? There's a lot of social context clues we pick up from body language that you just don't get online and while a photo doesn't answer all the questions a person might have, it's the closest thing you can get on the internet
I agree with @xueli, that was exactly what I was trying to say in all of my posts. You don't have to look like some model, you have to be physically attractive to ME. Again, often times I'll find someone attractive and my friends wont find them attractive.
Well it's a crazy world ugly people had pull the weirdest luck ever and score a hotty be it a girl or a guy
*sigh* Blind people have magnificent sense, physical attraction is no longer by look but by feeling. And I'm pretty sure their sense of feeling is a lot better than people who aren't blind. As for the whole " Burnt face ", if you've already loved the person and they got their face burnt, you can still love them because you are still emotionally attached. THAT is completely different from randomly going up to someone with a burnt face and asking for a date. I'm starting to begin to think that you guys have little to no experience in the dating/love scene lol. Fact of matter is that Looks matter and it will always matter. I used to weigh 220lbs, i was 120lbs. Through a huge depression spiral from my 1st breakup, i put on 100lbs of pure fat. When I finally got out of it, i couldn't find a girl who was willing to go out on dates or just a friend. That's how bad it was, mind you I'm 5'7 and that is a weird body proportion. I finally put in my work and determination, worked out, dieted and focused on myself and I'm down to 140-145lbs with hardly any fat. Ever since then, I no longer have to approach girls and it's usually the girls who are approaching me now for dates. That is the difference, while it's shallow to workout to look better, it's also good to keep yourself healthy. It's a win-win situation and in the end, Looks will always matter. I sound super conceited lol. Personality matters too but in this day and age and since forever... Physical Looks is what you're first judged upon. Your personality is what completes you. "You only go as far as the amount of Effort you put in." ^ That's all I have to say.
Aug 10, 13 at 12:04pm
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