are thier still any noble men in the world?
tornadomushroom @tornadomushroom
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are thier still any noble men in the world?
tornadomushroom @tornadomushroom
Huehue, You've just nailed my definition of " NICE GUY/GIRL ".
Essentially Haruu kinda did but you're pretty much spot on.
Haruu @haruu
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are thier still any noble men in the world?
Haruu @haruu
@ shashank_desu: Not all nice guys/girls are dull. D: If it were so it would suck. T__T
Nice guys are also in relationships, because they're pleasant to be around, but for whatever reason there's this other group of "nice guys" that don't get any girls. Those are usually trying too hard, as Tornado said.
Anndd I can't find this video where I got the "nice dull guys finish last". D:
*Can't find video where she learned all this from*
shashank_desu @shashank_desu
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are thier still any noble men in the world?
shashank_desu @shashank_desu
haruu, there's a world of a difference between "appearing to be" and "actually being".
they aren't trying too hard, they are doing what comes naturally..
the nice guy "+/AND/OR GIRL", that are in rela... ahh fuck it.
Haruu @haruu
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are thier still any noble men in the world?
Haruu @haruu
There are some, though, that do try to hard when that's not their actual nature. BUUUT! I'm realized this is all 'what if" scenarios so I'm sorry. D: Anyways! I see that you are new. Welcome to the site! XD
PK Thoron @julioelgamer
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are thier still any noble men in the world?
PK Thoron @julioelgamer
Being nice is not the problem, most men make the mistake of showing their niceness on a boring way
or showing a lack of aspirations
or being simply unattractive (this is a bit tricky, every lady has different tastes)
Rou @roukuro
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are thier still any noble men in the world?
Rou @roukuro
As much as everybody hates to think about this its really just about the difference between being an Alpha male and not.
Doesn't matter what situation you're in or what hobbies anyone has. That stuff is all irrelevant and minor.
Fundamentally what matters is if this guy can take charge and actually lead a girl. As sexist as that sounds to a lot of people its natural. Girls want an interesting guy to show them a good time NOT ask the girl for the good time.
Aside from being a capable and competent leader the guys needs to actuality make a move or else the girl will only ever see the guy as a friend and not potential. She'll get used to him s nothing more than that. THAT is the friend zone.
When you think about hobbies you realize what you like dosn't matter as long as you can integrate both of these things into what you do. If you can do both these things everyone and not just girls will like you and look up to you no matter what group you go to.
Gamerocalypse @gamerocalypse
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are thier still any noble men in the world?
Gamerocalypse @gamerocalypse
Iam noble and honest.
Kane Anrui @kaneanrui
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are thier still any noble men in the world?
Kane Anrui @kaneanrui
I am no noble, nor do I follow chivalry, but I am honest. I will respect you as an irreplaceable human, and if you prove yourself, you'll be respected as a mind.
But, my eldest brother is noble and honest. So, yes, they do exist.
animecollecter @animecollecter
commented on
are thier still any noble men in the world?
animecollecter @animecollecter
I came on this conversation really late. Allot has been said. Are there noble guys in this world? Yes. Are they hard to find? No. First off dragonlover43 you are 17 and guy at that age, that are noble are far and few. So the odds of you running into one anytime soon in not likely. Noble guy do get put into the friend zone allot. It is not one trait that makes the man. An average guy that in noble will have a hard time. Most girls want this guy as a friend not a lover. When A girl say she want a noble guy, weather she know it or not she is looking for the total package. Average guy that are dutch bag do better then the average guy that is a noble guy, because women fail to notice the noble guy but always see the dutch bag. Noble guys are all around. All you need to do just look. If you actually see them, then you need to decided if that what you really want.
Kane Anrui @kaneanrui
commented on
are thier still any noble men in the world?
Kane Anrui @kaneanrui
Agreed, animecollectoer. I think it's that way with either gender. I like being friends with noble (or the equivalent) women. It may be they are not seen as love interests because we like them as friends, they fill a spot that the un-noble cannot.
That's my theory.
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