Anime and Video Game Fighting Franchise
gamingfanatic @gamingfanatic
Anime and Video Game Fighting Franchise
gamingfanatic @gamingfanatic
This is just an idea I came up with. What if I had all of the famous anime characters get together into a super smash brothers/playstation all-stars-like brawl? There will be some video game characters added into the mix with a few original characters as well.I got the story and everything figured out and I just need people's approvals on characters to use and the idea that I'm creating.
PansexualFangirl @pansexualotaku
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Anime and Video Game Fighting Franchise
PansexualFangirl @pansexualotaku
That's a really great idea! How you're going to go about doing it, I'm not sure, but good luck!
And characters? Hm... Use Edward Elirc, maybe. He is a bit of a prodigy, though I have to say, people probably like Roy Mustang from the series better.
And since this is a fighting game, I don't know how animes like Clannad are going to fit in, but if you can do it, I'd play it! Good luck kind sir!
gamingfanatic @gamingfanatic
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Anime and Video Game Fighting Franchise
gamingfanatic @gamingfanatic
I can make anything work with the right tools and logic. I will also have characters become rivals with one character from another series so it would be cliche. For example, Vash the Stampede from Trigun will be rivals with Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop. There is a connection with the two. With Spike being a bounty hunter, Vash the Stampede would be the perfect candidate because of the multimillion dollar bounty on his head. See how they are in different anime series. That would be for the rest of them as they will be from different series and will have connections with each other.
blazingbow1 @blazingbow1
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Anime and Video Game Fighting Franchise
blazingbow1 @blazingbow1
do you best to keep the minimal final fantasy character but if you do end up at that route, good luck. This seem like too large of project for one person to be working on and be actually good. ( sorry I'm just being realistic here)
Why don't you team up with some other programmers? or have you done that already?
gamingfanatic @gamingfanatic
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Anime and Video Game Fighting Franchise
gamingfanatic @gamingfanatic
Like I said, it's just been an idea that's been floating in my head for a while. There will only be five or six final fantasy characters. If I try and do every main character in the series, I would be doing this until next year. Besides, I'm more of a writer anyway and I want to come up with a story that will actually tie in to franchise. I want to make it into a game, but I know how very difficult it'll be considering I first have to get the rights from every company and research every character I add. If anyone has any suggestions, feel free to tell me. Hopefully I'll come up with a small list soon.
SquidNeko @darkcharmander
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Anime and Video Game Fighting Franchise
SquidNeko @darkcharmander
I just have 1 thing to say.
rawrriceball @rawrriceball
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Anime and Video Game Fighting Franchise
rawrriceball @rawrriceball
Why is this in the creative writing section?
gamingfanatic @gamingfanatic
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Anime and Video Game Fighting Franchise
gamingfanatic @gamingfanatic
I'm thinking about writing it just to get some ideas down.
rawrriceball @rawrriceball
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Anime and Video Game Fighting Franchise
rawrriceball @rawrriceball
Oh, I see. I think you can do smash characters with shounen jump characters
ロイ @wallace614
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Anime and Video Game Fighting Franchise
ロイ @wallace614
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