Anime and Video Game Fighting Franchise
ロイ @wallace614
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Anime and Video Game Fighting Franchise
ロイ @wallace614
So what was this all about
gamingfanatic @gamingfanatic
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Anime and Video Game Fighting Franchise
gamingfanatic @gamingfanatic
How does this sound for an anime fighter story summary?
There are chosen individuals… heroes, criminals, soldiers, mercenaries, gangsters, cyborgs, swordsman, witches, demons, cops, robbers, agents, murderers, terrorists, leaders, dictators, kids, brawlers, and survivors, and deities. These people are the ones that have been chosen by fate as distortions cause a break into the realms of the universe. They are able to travel to different realms to explore, but that isn’t the only thing that’s entering the portals. A great evil wants to end all that exists by sending psychopaths, monsters, and demons from one realm to another, thus the enemies will destroy the worlds that the chosen ones live in from the inside out. The chosen ones, from allies to rivals, must ban together to stop this dark entity from destroying the universe that they all live in. The final battle, the battle to judge the future of the universe, is approaching. And the chosen ones are the only hope for salvation.
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