I came on here to find someone

silverokumura @silverokumura
I came on here to find someone
silverokumura @silverokumura
Who else has too? Any luck so far?

bloodynine @bloodynine
commented on
I came on here to find someone
bloodynine @bloodynine
so far no luck for me,but I haven't give up hope

Cecil @cecil
commented on
I came on here to find someone
Cecil @cecil
There was someone I was interested in on here a few months back and the interest was definitely mutual, but I felt at the end of the day, the distance was just to far to make it worth both our whiles and decided not to pursue it any further. I'm pretty sure since then she found someone who lived a lot closer of which I'm definitely happy for her! I'd have felt bad tying her down to a LDR with me when there was someone who lived much closer she could click with and be near. My search however continues. XD

AgX4 @chamarbright
commented on
I came on here to find someone
AgX4 @chamarbright
the search is still going strong XD

Axel @axwell
commented on
I came on here to find someone
Axel @axwell
I mostly came here for the community. Love would be a nice bonus tough :)

r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
commented on
I came on here to find someone
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
I've been here so long now that I don't remember why I originally joined XD
Met some awesome people but still not dating anyone
Having enough fun just being around like minded otakus

talamar @talamar
commented on
I came on here to find someone
talamar @talamar
I am still looking and there are definitely a few I have met that I like but like Cecil said most are too far away but I still cherish the friendships I have made. One was actually close but she seems to have stopped coming on. I still have hopes.

canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
commented on
I came on here to find someone
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
This account has been suspended.

Tuxedo_Mark @tuxedo_mark
commented on
I came on here to find someone
Tuxedo_Mark @tuxedo_mark
I came on here to find someone as well. I wouldn't mind long-distance.

ninjaraidenrx @ninjaraidenrx
commented on
I came on here to find someone
ninjaraidenrx @ninjaraidenrx
Sometimes people would go to dating website to find someone but the truth about of it is you cant find anyone from website cause it doesn't do anything fun for you. you may think it is fun and stuff but somehow or soon or later, you might get hurt by someone that you didn't know or known. I've been in relationship which it was my first one with someone who I met for 4 or 5 years and we go to same Anime Conventions together and we had great time and I still care about her and everything. Although I may have live in long distance but I dont even care how far I live cause I always love to go places to see her and spend some quality time with her every day and night. Sometimes I was quiet but I dont stay quiet all the time, I love talking and spending alot more time with her.
For my advice of finding someone and become relationship is this
Think of someone who you known and somehow you may might have a crush on someone from high school or college or work or anywhere like Conventions except dating websites. It always never help finding someone who you want to be with, but when you go out somewhere and you meet some interesting people, you got have to think to yourself that if you trust this person then you can be good or great friends with them but if they don't then never ever ever be or staying around with them cause they will be really cruel to you and anyone
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