Whats the x intercept of y - 2x=8

Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
Whats the x intercept of y - 2x=8
Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
QAQ Please help me

xueli @xueli
commented on
Whats the x intercept of y - 2x=8
xueli @xueli
should be x=-4. Unless I super don't remember how to find x-intercept... which is a possibility :p
Replace y with 0:

drako2k0 @drako2k0
commented on
Whats the x intercept of y - 2x=8
drako2k0 @drako2k0
You are correct xueli, the other way you can do it is rewrite in the from of:
Y = mX + B
in this case:
X-intercept -> Y = 0
Then we isolate the X value:
-8 = 2x
(-8)/2 = x
-4 = x

. @vezax
commented on
Whats the x intercept of y - 2x=8
. @vezax

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
commented on
Whats the x intercept of y - 2x=8
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
When weebs teach math < 333

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
Whats the x intercept of y - 2x=8
Lamby @momoichi
*calls your teacher*

. @vezax
commented on
Whats the x intercept of y - 2x=8
. @vezax


CAC @cac
commented on
Whats the x intercept of y - 2x=8
CAC @cac
I don't even....

ohnoes @ohnoes
commented on
Whats the x intercept of y - 2x=8
ohnoes @ohnoes
We have a necromancer in our midst!!!

blissfullforce1818 @blissfullforce1818
commented on
Whats the x intercept of y - 2x=8
blissfullforce1818 @blissfullforce1818
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