__ going on __ and still single

Phoenix @animecountryboy
__ going on __ and still single
Phoenix @animecountryboy
Who has yet to seriously have a significant other yet? Just curious. I am 18 years old and still have yet to be on one date, have one kiss, or even so much as hold a girl's hand. Who else is in this club?

Phoenix @animecountryboy
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__ going on __ and still single
Phoenix @animecountryboy
Not trying to be one of those "poor me" people, because that is not the type of person i am. I am just plain curious who else is in a similar situation to me

FukboiFrasia @frasia2162
commented on
__ going on __ and still single
FukboiFrasia @frasia2162
I'm in the exact same pot as you are...
but i'm 16.

Tiger Festival @animeboy
commented on
__ going on __ and still single
Tiger Festival @animeboy
I'm in the same rut here. I'm 25 and never did any of the things mentioned :P I'm quite fine TBH after I changed my outlook on life a bit :P It be nice to have but it's not mandatory for living. So them's the works. I'm pretty sure there are plenty of ppl here who are in the same rut, hell prolly much older too :P but is prolly too ashamed to admit it.

CrownCross @alucard317
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__ going on __ and still single
CrownCross @alucard317
Exact same 17

Kyetge! @kyetge
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__ going on __ and still single
Kyetge! @kyetge
18 and nope, out of that club. I think I was just lucky. You guys will hopefully get lucky yourselves, if that's what you want >.<

tcht @tcht
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__ going on __ and still single
tcht @tcht
I've been there and done it. Yet every time it had the end result in the relationship failing. Like my year and half relationship ended because i enlisted to the Air Force. You just have to throw yourself out there. Go up to a girl and talk to them.. Try to get the conversation going and eventually get it to where you can ask for her number. Talk about stuff related to what she was doing prior. Also if she shuts you down there's nothing wrong with it. There are dicks and bitches in this world... They all come in different shapes and sizes, but if you keep at it you will find a nice girl who you can try and get into a relationship with.

Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
commented on
__ going on __ and still single
Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
I've yet to find my significant other. I've been chatting with some people offline from here and some things are clickin'. One confessed a small crush on me. Still haven't had anything really panned out.

ItsTooLateToApologize @brokenheartache
commented on
__ going on __ and still single
ItsTooLateToApologize @brokenheartache
Love is a sham. True love only exist in fairy tales.

Brandon. @x_stinkfist_x
commented on
__ going on __ and still single
Brandon. @x_stinkfist_x
I've been single for 2 years after having a 3 1/2 year relationship. I'm looking to get back in the ring!
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