DOM or SUB which do you prefer or both!?

kuuppon @kuuppon
DOM or SUB which do you prefer or both!?
kuuppon @kuuppon
For all you fellas out there and ladies! What do you look for, a more dom or sub partner and why is that? I like a dom because I like giving the power over to a man or at least letting him "think" he has all the power. Either way a man should feel as such and I most prefer feeling like all woman. But I do like to mix it up a bit and take on the dom roll.
This is a question outside of the BDSM format, just a typical type of question. Do you want someone to be more in charge or reliant?.

soulxevans @soulxevans
commented on
DOM or SUB which do you prefer or both!?
soulxevans @soulxevans
I prefer to have a equal relationship no one being in any sort of sub or dom roll haha XD but I suppose if it really came down to it I'd prefer to be more in the dominate position. Not really controlling but if a choice has to be made or something needs to get done I'll take the lead and make sure it gets done or decided. :p I think I know how to have a good balance of stepping up and being firm and dominant, but I can also back off and let the girl control things a bit if she feels she wants. :p just go with the flow know what I mean?

precipace @precipace
commented on
DOM or SUB which do you prefer or both!?
precipace @precipace
I think I like to take it in turns? I know it sounds like a bit of a waffly answer, but I like strong women and just going with the flow sometimes. Other times I like taking care of someone.
Taking it in turns is really nice, I think.

Locked. @masuji
commented on
DOM or SUB which do you prefer or both!?
Locked. @masuji
Being equal through compromise and agreement of certain issues to be handled by one party, i.e. partner A is responsible for checking the mail or Partner B is responsible for budgeting the petrol allowance, etc.

Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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DOM or SUB which do you prefer or both!?
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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kuuppon @kuuppon
commented on
DOM or SUB which do you prefer or both!?
kuuppon @kuuppon
Lol. I was referring to a dominate partner or a submissive one. Not subtitles or dubbed anime.
And yeah the whole taking charge thing can get a little tiring after a while. sometimes you need a partner to take over the reigns and let you relieve stress a bit before returning to the throne, so to speak. I have a queen personality, I take charge and make tough decisions on my own but once my king comes along I'm all too willing to let him handle things so long as I'm treated as his equal. No more and no less.

Lorii @meow_tron
commented on
DOM or SUB which do you prefer or both!?
Lorii @meow_tron
i'd prefer to meet someone who can dominate me, i have an incredibly independent personality

floatsinwater @floatsinwater
commented on
DOM or SUB which do you prefer or both!?
floatsinwater @floatsinwater
lol I think Maverick's comment takes the cake...
In Japan we use the term S and M for personality types, not just the kinky stuff. A girl asked me if I was an S or an M, and I said I guess I'm more of an S, to which she happily replied she was an M. Whatever, I didn't think much of it.
The next day, she came over and brought some rope. I asked her if she wanted to take me rock-climbing and she stared and said "... what?"
It was pretty awkward to say the least... (We weren't in that kind of relationship)

canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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DOM or SUB which do you prefer or both!?
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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OrAnGe SiCkLeSp0p @nightmaresweets
commented on
DOM or SUB which do you prefer or both!?
OrAnGe SiCkLeSp0p @nightmaresweets
ummmm.....first time hes doing allll the work sooo sub and then later if we r still together ill new to be the boss later if he REALLY REALLY WANTS IT but i just hate pressuring sex
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