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rakushun @rakushun
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rakushun @rakushun
can we be friends

EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
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EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
Hi there think I missed you at Katsucon. Wanted to let you know themeetup group "Anime Congoers" is going to Zenkaikon in Lancaster PA Mar 22 -24 I am going up there too. Turn out to be inexpensive. Just wanted to tell you about since you are from the same area as me.

Kyfl gf kydky @kendell7277
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Kyfl gf kydky @kendell7277
hey :) how are you doing?
Katsucon 2013!!!

kuuppon @kuuppon
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Katsucon 2013!!!
kuuppon @kuuppon
I was walking around in a Sakura dress from Tsubasa Chronicles. Going to be going to Anime Mid-Atlantic that's like 2mins from my house! No hotel required! Woot! And after that Anime USA!
Hard to get along with?

kuuppon @kuuppon
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Hard to get along with?
kuuppon @kuuppon
Haha Nekohime, I thought the same thing!