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Feb 10, 13 at 10:50am
virgin girls/guys have more of thinking true love, waiting for a special person, their friends wants to find them someone special because there too nice or cute etc. non virgin tend to be not mind and would like to ry things, more open minded etc, but not saying that virgin are not like that they just haven't found the right person to lead them or just need to find someone that's special. Being a virgin will make them curious about sex later on though, and may cause them to think if he or she is the one straight out of the box, but to be honest virgin or not its all about what you think of each other. and if you do have a friend that's thinking out of the box hen you should help them go through a straight road and not go for any girls/guys. because being a virgin i think can be very hard not that im saying you should lose it but just hard because your thinking who to lose it to. everything i say is a theory
huogir @huogir commented on Virginity
Feb 11, 13 at 2:45am
I don't know about all that Apple. I'm a virgin and I'm pretty open minded about things I'd be willing to try. The honest answer about virginity is your view is either shaped by people or yourself. By that I mean your parents or church tell you right away to keep it too yourself. Your friend can try to push you into it by telling you their adventures. While yourself is shaped by either your non use of genitals or by just things around you that help make your own decisions about it. I honestly am a virgin because I had self-esteem issues which led to me be very quite and shy. Now I do a barrel roll if it means starting a unusual conversation. My view on MY virginity is I wanna lose it to someone that has meaning and not someone I just met somewhere. Yet alcohol makes all those decisions obsolete when you go to a Anime Conventions, clubs, or bars. Stay Classy Sandiego
Locked. @masuji commented on Virginity
Feb 11, 13 at 5:18pm
As a virgin I'll say it: I want my first time to be with someone with experience. Why? Because I don't want it to suck. Every one of my bro's has told me when neither knows what they're doing, it makes you want to forget your first time. I've decided it doesn't matter if I'm not married, if the woman is not drunk and I don't mind, I'm all for it.
xueli @xueli commented on Virginity
Feb 11, 13 at 7:06pm
^^ I remember an article that was writing about the fallacy of another article that said women weren't as opened to one night stands as guys were. They had a bunch of guys and girls go out and ask random people if they'd sleep with them. More guys got shot down and so the conclusion was that women weren't into one night stands, which isn't true. I don't think there's a disproportion there. But the article I saw was saying that women are probably pickier about who they jump into bed with since it's harder to get a woman to orgasm than it is for a guy so a reason why guys are more willing to sleep with strangers more often is because they're pretty much guaranteed an orgasm where females have to weigh more cost/benefit. Your reply just reminded me of that article, totally non-sequitur. :p
Locked. @masuji commented on Virginity
Feb 11, 13 at 7:33pm
@xueli Totally taking that out of context. I don't want a one night stand, because if I had sex I'd have to be attracted to the woman not only physically but mentally and such. Just saying I won't turn down an offer for sex assuming I like the woman enough.
Feb 11, 13 at 8:24pm
Honestly, the reason don't to save sex until marriage is because one, i'm a girl. So if i have sex with someone, there is a chance that i might get pregnant. And two, A "Special someone" can easily leave. I don't want to loose my virginity to a boyfriend, now if they REALLY want to be with me then they can prove it and marry me. I am of a religion, but it has no influence on my decision. I would just prefer that i loose it to a HUSBAND than a BOYFRIEND. -w- There are girls younger than i am who are already having sex. And they go around telling everybody it as if it is a relationship builder, but honestly, people at school just call them whore for boasting about it. And Some of their boyfriend's left them right after. Heck there was a girl (8th grader) who had sex with her boyfriend, but she didn't know that he was recording it. Then a week later he broke up with her, Told all of his friends and a teacher found out. (but that teacher paid the student to let him upload it online. the next day he was arrested for child pornography)..
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xueli @xueli commented on Virginity
Feb 11, 13 at 9:16pm
I just said your reply reminded me of that article and that my statement was a non-sequitur.... Pretty sure non-sequitur kinda means it doesn't really have anything to do with your statement
Locked. @masuji commented on Virginity
Feb 11, 13 at 9:41pm
Sorry, I overlooked non-sequitur. My bad.
Mop @mop commented on Virginity
Feb 13, 13 at 6:02pm
I didn't lose my virginity until I was 18, and even then I felt like it might've been too soon. But now (a little over a year later) I feel pretty great about it. I think that was probably because I didn't realize sex was supposed to feel good until I moved on to my second partner. That's actually why I'm glad I didn't wait until marriage (not that I ever planned to, I just figured the opportunity wasn't going to present itself until I was in my 30's or something). I didn't realize that I was having bad sex. I was so confused as to why everybody wanted sex when it felt so...weird. In a bad way. I've never been with a guy who was a virgin at our first encounter, and I don't think I ever will (especially if this relationship works out the way I'd like). I'm okay with that. My past partner and my current one have both had years more experience than me, and sometimes I find myself a bit embarrassed by my lack of skill (I think I've been getting better). If I had to teach someone what to do, I'd probably panic and die. I find it admirable that people wait until marriage to have sex. I hope and hope and hope (andhopeandhopeandhope) that everything in the bedroom works out for them, since I know my first partner was terrible. But that can't happen for everyone. (IhopeIhopeIhope)
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