Yu @metaljester
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Yu @metaljester
Hmmm not a virgin but either way im fine with somebody who isnt or is I know that there will be some that prefer certain ones but something like that to me is not very important still i respect those who do or dont like it either way
Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
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Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
This thread seems heavily influenced by religious values and morals, being a scandinavian (the lot of us are godless sodomites) I can testify that virginity is something you should've lost before 16 if I am to believe the attitudes of the general populace over here.
Waiting until marriage is a practice of centuries past, at most it gets a humorous mention, but I could not imagine anyone actually sticking to this system in our day and age, it seems almost archaic.
I mean no disrespect, but to me the idea fits in the same category, as using "reefer madness" as an educational film.
Or claiming that masturbation makes you blind, no matter how I twist these claims, they seem utterly outlandish to me.
and dont get me started on the fact that marriage is an institutionalized relationship sanctioned by the government, is your love so shallow and un-founded that you need some lawyers to sign a paper saying its real?
oh, and to stay on topic, Never did bag a virgin, never did regret it either, I cant enjoy doing the horizontal boogie if my partner is just lying on her back waiting for service, its a give and take experience, this isnt to say all virgins/inexperienced sexual partners have this deficiency, it does however mean that the spoiled (gettin whatever she wants) type is a complete turnoff for me.
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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xueli @xueli
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xueli @xueli
I think that for whatever reason you are or aren't a virgin, it doesn't and shouldn't matter what anyone else thinks. It's neither an indication of old fashion-ish or your own sexual prowess. It's just an experience that some people have and some don't for whatever reason. *shrug* In this day and age, there's so many reasons why a person is a virgin that have nothing to do with attractiveness or whatever. I just don't see what the big deal is.
Marriage wise, there's a lot of reasons why the government is involve. None of them involving feelings. Like insurance, child custody and visitation, taxes, and etc.
tobitairu @tobitairu
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tobitairu @tobitairu
I would just like to say.... This is the first time I've encountered a thread involving sex as a main topic on the internet that has gone on for more than three posts without devolving into pre-teen dirty jokes and hormonal quips.
Well done, MaiOtaku.
Well done indeed.
Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
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Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
Should have added that due to the deceiving nature of relationships I have completely opted out of the hunt, I present myself as a most unappealing prey/target, but the days of me putting in all sorts of effort for little to no pay-off (a secret for the virgins; sex is over-rated and one night stands are just elaborate masturbation/sanctioned prostitution.) is long past.
aiisholuv @aiisholuv
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aiisholuv @aiisholuv
I'm a virgin and proud of it!
FukboiFrasia @frasia2162
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FukboiFrasia @frasia2162
im a virgin,
and i know its all about who you love and all,
but i honestly would only want a guy/girl who is also a virgin.
(especially since you don't know if who they slept with had any diseases and there would be the possibility of getting them. There is a girl who is in my sophomore class who got aids from a guy she slept with AND she got pregnant, but she does not know who the father is...)
aiisholuv @aiisholuv
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aiisholuv @aiisholuv
I would also like a guy who is a virgin too also that to that story all I can say is DAMN and that's F-up
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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