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Apr 30, 13 at 2:31am
Would first like to say that if you're a non-virgin, and are not married. Then i wish to partake in no conversation with you. The only true answer is to wait in till you are married, and enjoy your first experience with the one you hold dear in your heart. This goes for everything (Holding Hands, Hugging, Kissing, Holding, Sexual Acts, etc) If you do not, then you are filthy scum of a human being, and for the rest of your life you will feel a sinister dark feeling of regret in your heart, that will never leave in till the day you pass this world.
Apr 30, 13 at 3:44am
@Anime Man: That's SO uncalled for. Not everyone does things the way you do; it doesn't make them "filthy scum" because they don't do exactly what you do. I'm not a virgin, but when I have sex it is with someone that I do love and care for. I have a good and happy life; I attempt to be the best person I can be. And you're a horrible person for judging people like me because we don't follow your personal standards. I don't regret a single piece of my past; for it has made me exactly who I am today. If you don't like it, you can just kiss my ass.
Apr 30, 13 at 11:12am
So any displays of public affection makes you a filthy scum of a human? yeah sorry but I think that's going a little extreme. I feel no regret for any of my past experiences, they have shaped me to who I am today. And for you to judge us all so harshly is quite sinful of yourself. I will respect you for your opinion of holding off on sex til you're married, but I would appreciate it if you wouldn't judge and Insult those of us who do not think the way you think.
Apr 30, 13 at 2:49pm
so after a marriage .. what if it turns out that you and your partner dont like each other in the bed? o.O
Apr 30, 13 at 9:31pm
ive had many sexual encounters and i still classify myself one, i done it once *barely* she became really REALLY weird when i was half way in and i just couldn't take it lol although ive done everything else on multiple occasions however i end up having regret every time, however i know several friends who lost theirs just recently well over the age of 20 or are saving it for marriage, it really doesn't concern me whether someone is or not, but i imagine when your have "The One" too do it with as i imagine that would be the best sex EVER! regardless on past experience. :3
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Apr 30, 13 at 9:43pm
well when your dating a girl who believes that aliens control the world LOL and then starts screaming and asking for the FBI the second your remotely inside her then your just like "FUCK THAT" sorry for language XD
Apr 30, 13 at 9:54pm
I'm surprised you made it as far as you did Inazuma hahaha!
@Anime Man So you are literally stereotyping everyone who has already had sex and not married being bad people and scum. If you think like that just get out of here and find a religious girl or something. Darwin Awards have been passed out too many times for you. We are here not to judge each other which you are clearly judging, get off your Religious Peak and join the real world for once.
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