Dimensional Rifts

Yu @metaljester
Dimensional Rifts
Yu @metaljester
Here to talk about this concerning rifts in our dimension and places said to have them on the planet earth and other places besides our planet anybody interested please respond

Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
commented on
Dimensional Rifts
Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
Tricky topic you have picked here mate.
It is virtually impossible to acquire any evidence of these things, and any likely locations I know of is in highly restricted areas, causing much speculation but very little facts to base these speculations on.

evaforevagirl24 @evaforevagirl24
commented on
Dimensional Rifts
evaforevagirl24 @evaforevagirl24
oooo I'd love to find one out! This is interesting guys

Yu @metaljester
commented on
Dimensional Rifts
Yu @metaljester
Yes it would very interesting to actually see one but the chances are quite unlikely of getting close to one let alone actually finding one im only interested in debating about it if i knew where one was at that wasnt restricted I would definitely take a group with me to investigate it

mauddib1226 @mauddib1226
commented on
Dimensional Rifts
mauddib1226 @mauddib1226
First how many theoretical dimensions are there? How would we detect said rift. Are black holes actually these rifts?

Yu @metaljester
commented on
Dimensional Rifts
Yu @metaljester
Well to be honest that answer is unknown there are so many answers and debates about how many there are i come to find the belief that there is no set amount of dimensions and that dimensions are ifinite in my answer. Also a black hole is unknown as well it definitely could be considering what it does it is a worm hole in a sense considering that it takes you from one area to another however when or what that area is unknown because nobody has ever done it at least not publically known in space if it has however. I have a want to investigate the bermuda triangle and a few other hot spots with theorized or possible rifts but the thing about those is there is no guarantee you would survive it is a unknown so the risk is greater then ever.
Detecting said rift is also very complicated the most we could do is somehow find energies that match something that would be a rift via a device that would measure said energies or we could go on sight it just depends really.

Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
commented on
Dimensional Rifts
Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
I wrote a very long and complicated post...
it got ate by intarwebs gremlings.
I'm sorry but I am only gonna summarize, please ask questions xP
The you that is the collective experiences of your past is a multidimensional being:
Your body Exist on the primary plane, this means that it is individual in every single reality, you still have your left leg you lost in a car accident in another reality for instance.
Your mind is the tool that lets your "you" interact with a reality, think of your mind and all you currently associate with it as a operating system that lets you navigate complex machinery.
"You" exist in all realities infinitely, your current strengths, weaknesses, personality traits, likes and dislikes, these are a unique product of the reality you perceivably occupy.
There are however some things you cant fit into these categories, some deeper drives, completely dis-associated to experiences and parenting or genes, these I believe are by products of potential subconscious multiverse travelling.
My point is that you dont "need" to find a "rift" you are one...
Of course finding a solid anchor point could be an incredible achievement, and if such a thing can be "tamed" the possibilities would literally be endless.
I base my statements on personal experiences and experimentation with causality and effect.

Yu @metaljester
commented on
Dimensional Rifts
Yu @metaljester
Hmm I do like your answer but as you said finding a anchor for something like that is just as hard as probably finding another rift although im not fullout wanting to do it i just want to investigate it and draw anwsers from said investigation I also am familiar with what you said all together i believe this is why we can have cognitive dreams or precognitive they are for instance brought on by this ability I think when we do glimpse into the future or see things that happen later this is us our minds forming a rift within time or the dimensions around us all in all we are able to see something befor it happens how ever small it may be the next step though is being able to use that and make it happen when you want however this all goes on one belief that i have. The mind is more capable then what we know of it and we cant say we know everything about it at all there is still unanswered parts we have not been able to explain regardless of how many attempts at debunking and theorizing along with testing their theories on the matter There was one theory that when you die you basically are recreated in a endless cycle of dimensions each one does the same thing to you as you keep living on as your next form you dont die you merely pass on to the next losing your memory and everything else besides your consciousness and thats all this could be interpeted with the so called white light because obviously when you lose everything but your consciousness what is there to see nothing not a single thing could be seen i feel that this theory is at least partially true and at most fully

Yu @metaljester
commented on
Dimensional Rifts
Yu @metaljester
also sorry i tend to be not the most grammar correct person on here i dont know i just prefer to be more casual when i type here or on places like skype

Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
commented on
Dimensional Rifts
Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
As I understand it the mysteries of the mind can be attributed to the "multiple minds" aspect when seeing the mind as an interface, one must realise that there will need to be multiple interfaces, the one you use now might not be adequate in the case of a skynet terminator type scenario, overlapping or "modding" your interface with previous/future versions is a perfectly reasonable explanation as to why one possibly could have mental tools one "shouldnt" have access to.
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