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What's the reason you're single?

I still to this day don't know I mean I used to but now I just don't know
LOL @ Oreo - I am surprised this thread is still alive.
I'm only attracted to girls that have the same entrest because the things that you love is the same thing you would like to shear with other another thing to truly care for someone is to put there needs before your own it doesn't matter who start it first with that your bonds will never break in a relationship
Location: I live in a not so populated area... The phrase "too smart for your own good" is brutally true. Over thinking things makes a self proclaimed "smart" person make dumb choices. An inability to fallow my own heart when there is a wall of "Too many mind" blocking it. Broken, quite possibly...Lost, not sure refuse to believe so...Indecisiveness, Most definitely. But one thing is for sure...All these reasons we have...I have, I will put them in a bag and throw them over my shoulder unto my back and keeping walking no matter how heavy it gets. ;)
^ to hot to be single. hue hue hue hmm I suppose I'm single because, the fact when I begin to like someone they in turn lead me on but then take it back or ignore me all together. So I get stuck in a sense. ATM I'm still in love with someone who will never love me back so I suppose, I'm single because I haven't met the right guy yet.
Jul 08, 14 at 11:40pm
Too busy to actively look, which you kinda have to do at my age hahaha. That and ultimately, I like being single for the moment. I won't say I'm against a relationship if something pops up, but eh, not high on my list of priorities. Now if only my mother would stop conspiring with my aunt to set me up with random guys they know in china...
@Xueli I'm the same! too busy & not looking. Now that ive got a full time job and stuff.. Ive got less free time *sigh* plus my social awkwardness doesn't really help! Hehe
I still think my pic is cute
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