New Member Introduction Thread

lil_uke @lil_uke
New Member Introduction Thread
lil_uke @lil_uke
Um I thought this would be nice to have on your Forums. Sorry If I was a bit out of line or something.
Um Hi I'm Rebecca, I have been called Becca, I don't mind being called whatever nick name you want to give me.
I'm 14. I think I'm pretty sweet, and honest. I'm not the prettiest thing in the world, but I would try to make my partner happy. I am probably bi, but so far I like boys...
I am single, and I will answer any questions you have for me... So please feel free to message me I would love to see it. A pic comment would be nice too... I like those.

Sephiroth @sephiroth
commented on
New Member Introduction Thread
Sephiroth @sephiroth
Welcome! I should add an introduction forum once there's enough people to be introduced to merit it. I think Texas is one of the top five or so states with the most members :)

dark_cosplays_07 @dark_cosplays_07
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New Member Introduction Thread
dark_cosplays_07 @dark_cosplays_07
this is a introduction thread for the time being hu?? even though everybodie probly knows me by now... i am sean i love to play yugioh i have a great history with machine decks i love to go to conventions when i am able to i am overall a fun loving guy who just whants to make friends on this site that and more :) !

cutiellia @cutiellia
commented on
New Member Introduction Thread
cutiellia @cutiellia
lol i forgot to introduce myself..... oh well.

Artemiy @artemiy
commented on
New Member Introduction Thread
Artemiy @artemiy
Well... hi, it's me. Not much to introduce to, just a passing through geek next door.

Kakachi Draken @kakachi07
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New Member Introduction Thread
Kakachi Draken @kakachi07
I'm Kakachi Draken, that is my pen name, I go by that online. My real name is on my profile for those interested, I'm 20, in two months from now I'll be 21. I like animals, Anime, manga and Video games. I have played Yugioh but I'm out of people to play at the moment so my decks have fallen apart. As for my status, its in question for right now as the person I'm interested in hasn't been replying since christmas. So right now I'm just looking to make some Otaku pals.

Lee @lee
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New Member Introduction Thread
Lee @lee
Hi. I'm me! Nice to meet you! *Skidaddles*

crazycortez @sargent789
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New Member Introduction Thread
crazycortez @sargent789
Hi my name is crazyCortez you can call me tez(wink)
well im 22 i just discoverd this site i think its pretty cool and i hope i get some new anime loving friends since there hard to come by. Hey you never know we might be tied by the red string of fate!
Nice to meet you all!

ScarecrowK @scarecrowk
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New Member Introduction Thread
ScarecrowK @scarecrowk
Yo. Scarecrow AKA Justin A. 21, a mecha fanatic, and a devotee of Magic the Gathering. I'm more of a gamer than otaku right now but I'm obsessive so one minute I'm binging on Metal Gear Solid 4 and the next trying to get a hold of Gundam Unicorn episodes over the internet. I plan on buying the whole thing as soon as I have money again. (I'm a huge Gundam fan.)

OtakuMaiku @otakumaiku
commented on
New Member Introduction Thread
OtakuMaiku @otakumaiku
Just call me mike...
Anything you want to ask about me, all you gotta do is ask
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