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Wonderlust @sica
left a comment for
Kakachi Draken
Wonderlust @sica
"Which Romance series have you read or watched?"-KAKACHI DRAKEN [sica comment page]
"I will quote now that I am "not" into YAOI..." -KAKACHI DRAKEN [about me]
Ahh, are you sure you want to ask me what romance anime I'm into?? lol

_ @themoonkitty
left a comment for
Kakachi Draken
_ @themoonkitty
<center><font color="purple">My New Year's was pretty awesome xD<BR>
Rung it in with a couple of my fellow Otaku and partied with some normies at the same time, twas quite an experience, lol. But definitely fun =n.n=<BR>
I'll have to put some pictures up of the party. </center></font>

_ @themoonkitty
left a comment for
Kakachi Draken
_ @themoonkitty
<center><font color="purple">Lol, it is definitely good for that =n_n=<BR>
I'm so happy I found it randomly when looking at cosplay pictures :3<BR>
I <3 meeting new Otaku, I don't like being alone in my otakuness so I can totally understand that feeling.<BR>
How was your New Year? </center></font>
What's your favorite moment in an Anime?

Kakachi Draken @kakachi07
commented on
What's your favorite moment in an Anime?
Kakachi Draken @kakachi07
lets see, God I've seen soooo many I don't know which to choose as my favorite, I'll just name ones I liked. I recently got into Genesis of Aquarion and my favorite scene from that anime is when Fudo has the Elements try to act like the other person and Piere Imitates everyone in one go. Then they use the lesson to mock each other. I found this very funny X3
you want random chatter, you got it

Kakachi Draken @kakachi07
commented on
you want random chatter, you got it
Kakachi Draken @kakachi07
Does anyone else feel like Anime is highly edjucational? I mean i don't know about you but I see many life lessons the normal society has ignored to inform people of.