Let's talk about pubes.

Nakama @jacob1
commented on
Let's talk about pubes.
Nakama @jacob1
I shave.

Raven Kikuhara @ravenjones
commented on
Let's talk about pubes.
Raven Kikuhara @ravenjones
What the hell is wrong with you people!? that private stuff ewwwwww

xypho @xypho
commented on
Let's talk about pubes.
xypho @xypho
This account has been suspended.

yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
Let's talk about pubes.
yaasshat @yaasshat
Hey, for some people it does matter. I'm indifferent, it's not more hygienic either way. Actually, it more hygienic to not shave. The real question is, what's your bathing routine?

DarkuSchneider @darkschneider
commented on
Let's talk about pubes.
DarkuSchneider @darkschneider
@Gamer - hehe I now what you mean. If you are not good at or comfortable using a razor there are good electric body groomers for less than $50 that work everywhere on the body. Get one that you can use in the shower for less mess. Do not use hair removal creams especially down there unless you enjoy chemical burns.

Usagi Eri @lordelricsama
commented on
Let's talk about pubes.
Usagi Eri @lordelricsama
Remember guys normal Japanese people don't shave~ #bush4lief

Akia_Emura @akia
commented on
Let's talk about pubes.
Akia_Emura @akia
I like pubes in both sexes.

gogosbizzareadventure @gogosbizzareadventure
commented on
Let's talk about pubes.
gogosbizzareadventure @gogosbizzareadventure
They go great with chili. Along with Scott Tennerman's parents.

Sota @sota
commented on
Let's talk about pubes.
Sota @sota
Shaved or hairy, as long as you keep your bits cleaned is fine with me

xxx @__removed_uguubox
commented on
Let's talk about pubes.
xxx @__removed_uguubox
i like when someone has no more than 7 pubes but no less than three
long too
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