No Longer Allowed In Another World

Gabriel @gabriel_true
No Longer Allowed In Another World
Gabriel @gabriel_true
I see yet another anime about the real life author Dazi being a main character in a fantasy world was made. I'm curious what about this random author who committed suicide with his wife by drowning in a river speaks to these other writers?
Now I'm wondering if we should come to see a random boom of Edgar Poe shows.
Like "NEVER MORE! A Dead Poet's Unlife in the Next World." Also disappointed in the translation team for not going with the title "No Longer Human in Another World."

Veru @verucassault
commented on
No Longer Allowed In Another World
Veru @verucassault
Well damn, that dark thirst trapped me just at the mention of companion suicide by drowning. That's romantic AF and how Virginia Woolf went out. I mean romance in the classical sense. It's complicated. Melancholic. Fuck.
You know what I mean.

princess_snow @princess_snow
commented on
No Longer Allowed In Another World
princess_snow @princess_snow
me and my brother started watching it and were surprised how much we like it so far.

Gabriel @gabriel_true
commented on
No Longer Allowed In Another World
Gabriel @gabriel_true

It's an acquired taste it would seem. Perhaps I'll just have to hang around to get the appeal?

Gabriel @gabriel_true
commented on
No Longer Allowed In Another World
Gabriel @gabriel_true
I'm growing ever angsty against this series even if I find the characters endearing though there is nothing particularly deep about them.
It's like subtly I find a subconscious appreciation for the narrative even though it's built on a foundation that simultaneously irks me.
What I'm implying is perhaps something resonates within me even if there are elements that run counter to my own sensibilities. If that makes sense.
Also Coffin Car...I want one!
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