how do you guys define love?

akiraaaaa675 @akiraaaaa675
how do you guys define love?
akiraaaaa675 @akiraaaaa675
In my own perspective, defining love isn't easy. Love isn't always enough in a relationship you actually have to respect each other boundaries, understanding each other and having a good communication. Love is something you can't force to feel a certain type of way. Love is when a person gives a new direction to your life to help you grow. The thought that you can literally give up everything just to see them happy that is also love.
I'm just speaking with my own experience.

Oyabun @senpaisamasan
commented on
how do you guys define love?
Oyabun @senpaisamasan
I would define love as the amount of blood pumped through the flesh stick. Okay not really but I am fueled by my own lust, if I still like you a year after we bang I think that might be love?

ΛᄃΛᄃIΛ @acacia12
commented on
how do you guys define love?
ΛᄃΛᄃIΛ @acacia12
I've had 5 relationships in truth, 7 if I count other situations that I probably shouldn't. I liked and cared and had feelings all over at ranging intensities. But it was one named Winter. I loved that girl and haven't loved like that before and find it very unlikely I will again. I probably will settle one day with someone I adore and find comfort in. But its almost impossible to think I could ever have what I had at that level again.

yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
how do you guys define love?
yaasshat @yaasshat
Yeah... About that "settling" part. Please have the heart to not do that to another, ever. You might be surprised to know that love isn't gauged on "I'll never love like that again.", instead, "Every love is different, but none are better than I have now.". I can't imagine thinking I'd settle... Been married, loved enough to feel my very being tear in half when it all ended. Guess what? That half can still find another to help piece it together and become whole yet again. Love lost is not love no more, just when you think there couldn't be better, your rose colored glasses fall off and you'll see a little better for it. Every love I've ever had was the best, at that time.

Arc @arc
commented on
how do you guys define love?
Arc @arc
If you spank her on her booty and she chases you down to get you back, that's a keeper.

yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
how do you guys define love?
yaasshat @yaasshat
See, this man gets it.

Oyabun @senpaisamasan
commented on
how do you guys define love?
Oyabun @senpaisamasan
Don't listen to arc, he's been out of the game for a while. Lord knows veruca has twisted him. There's two forms of love I think, 1. The beginning, where you're smitten, infatuated, and just full of lust.
Then 2. Quiet acceptance. Their company is vital, things aren't as interesting but it just feels nice to have someone around.

ΛᄃΛᄃIΛ @acacia12
commented on
how do you guys define love?
ΛᄃΛᄃIΛ @acacia12
I don't know. You guys have more level and rational opinions much closer to my own opinions before I experienced what I choose to define as love. Although it was bold of yaashat to make such convictions about my claim when I hadn't even elaborated what separated her from the others. Simply, the other girls I thought I loved (at least some of them) but nearly a year into my relationship with Winter we were just chilling, nothing special was happening and I made the choice that this was the relationship I wanted to invest in. Like forever. Ultimately that's what I think REAL love is. Its just a choice (ONE YOU WANT TO MAKE). The rest is just hormones and chemistry and interest and that won't hold up over the march of time.
Of course yes. I am no longer with Winter. Our circumstances pushed us apart (geographically and she would not let me into her family life). I told her this is the relationship I want but its going to destroy me if I can't be in her life properly, I want to meet her parents, I want to meet her friends, I want to participate in the world like a couple and not alienate ourselves in a little private fucking cocoon that no one knows about. I didn't like her answer. Broke my heart but i have to believe I made the right choice and everyone tells me I did. But I have this uneasy feeling. Like there is something I will never know.
Damn this should of gone in vents.

Oyabun @senpaisamasan
commented on
how do you guys define love?
Oyabun @senpaisamasan
I'm not in any position to give you advice, but the topic of love is just subjective in the first place, some are reminded of heartbreak, others look tenderly at their partners reminded of their first kisses, Rick said it's just hormones that compel us to breed. I just know I think you made the right choice, if things aren't really progressing how you want you are totally within your rights to end it in pursuit something a little more, tangible? Either way I've learned is that there's no real end game to it, I think you'll find something better. A love stronger than the one you had prior buddy, just make sure you have fun along the way. The most important love you can have is for yourself.

yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
how do you guys define love?
yaasshat @yaasshat
Wasn't even gonna comment, until you used the word "settle", acacia. Can't compare the living with the dead. But, enjoy.
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