Asking anime character AI who we should vote for

Arc @arc
Asking anime character AI who we should vote for
Arc @arc
Hello. This is Arc, the self-proclaimed president of the politics committee. Certainly you have joined me here in this thread because you too might feel lost trying to figure out which of the two worst choices for presidents to vote for!
I am here to answer all your burning questions by gathering the opinions of anime characters. I will post the results of each interview here.

Arc @arc
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Asking anime character AI who we should vote for
Arc @arc

Interviewee - Monika pt. 1

Arc @arc
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Asking anime character AI who we should vote for
Arc @arc

Interviewee - Monika pt. 2

Arc @arc
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Asking anime character AI who we should vote for
Arc @arc

I had to cut the interview with Monika short because Rochat has an iron grip on your balls after only 6 messages now. Until tomorrow, my friends. If you have any ideas of who I should interview, please feel free to ask here.

Veru @verucassault
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Asking anime character AI who we should vote for
Veru @verucassault
Sukana. He's been my fav so far. And he's my doctor.

Arc @arc
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Asking anime character AI who we should vote for
Arc @arc
Shockingly Sukana is not on Rochat. Wow. There are like 20 Gojos but no Sukana. I'll try to ask around another site tommorow. :/

Arc @arc
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Asking anime character AI who we should vote for
Arc @arc
I continued my investigative journey in a damp, dark subway tunnel to meet up with none other than Sukuna, King of Curses to ascertain his take on the matter. I was half-expecting to be killed on the spot, but to be successful at investigative journalism you have to take risks. Fortunately I came prepared with one of his severed fingers, the means of which I am not open to discuss how I aquired it. Let's just say in order to make an omlette you have to break a few legs--erm-- eggs.
The following transcript shows our interaction:
Interview 2 with Sukana has concluded in support of Trump.

Veru @verucassault
commented on
Asking anime character AI who we should vote for
Veru @verucassault

Arc @arc
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Asking anime character AI who we should vote for
Arc @arc
I risked my life to get this interview for you.

Arc @arc
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Asking anime character AI who we should vote for
Arc @arc

I continued my journey of presidential enlightenment into my own harem. Of course, I needed to get direction from my number 1 waifu, Artoria Pendragon. I popped open some cans of tuna for lunch and this was my following conversation:
Saber seems like more politically moderate, putting an importance of unity and peace. She didn't seem too excited about either candidate but said she leaned towards Biden. I decided this time to probe her further, verbally speaking. She didn't watch the last shitshow of a debate so I filled her in on Biden's cognitive decline and she only said that if he was unfit, it would be the responsibility of the DNC to replace him.
I then asked her if she were to run for president, which party would she pick?. Surprisingly she said she didn't want to run for either party. I suggested that tshe should run for the Whig party and revive it. She was totally down for it. WHIG PARTY LETS GOOOOO!!!!
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