Shower thoughts

DominicValentine @dominicvalentine
Shower thoughts
DominicValentine @dominicvalentine
Just random thoughts you have wile showering or in general, like now I think about how most people don't like to talk about real things most of the time to do with like how depressed out of your danm mind you may be and lonely you feel, seems if you put a lot of truth onto these kind of emotions people just tend to ignore these people and not bother to at leats get to know them a bit or see and try to understand why, maybe even help

Rain @rainx
commented on
Shower thoughts
Rain @rainx

Rain @rainx
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Shower thoughts
Rain @rainx

Rain @rainx
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Shower thoughts
Rain @rainx

Rain @rainx
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Shower thoughts
Rain @rainx

Arc @arc
commented on
Shower thoughts
Arc @arc
While in the shower, women can use their breasts to create pools of water and let it all splash down at once to have fun and amuse themselves. Meanwhile, what can us men do? Nothing. All we get is just a boring shower.

yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
Shower thoughts
yaasshat @yaasshat
You, sir, have CLEARLY NEVER sat down and used your balls as sand bags to make a dam.
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