Problem with open world...
Bunnyman @taiyou
Problem with open world...
Bunnyman @taiyou
Playing the new Zelda, and i have to say, it reaffirms that anything that allows freedom, like the new zelda, elder scrolls, fallout, etc.... i get waaaaaaay too distracted too easily... by random stuff
I suppose not REALLY a problem, but still
Gabriel @gabriel_true
commented on
Problem with open world...
Gabriel @gabriel_true
I had that issue with Elden Ring. I can play Dark Souls forever and Bloodborne, but Elden Ring bored me after a few hours.
The issue is that just dropping me in a sandbox direction-less caused my interest to wane.
It's one thing for me to explore a map if I know my objective, however I didn't feel it was made understood what my end goal was even supposed to be in Elden Ring.
I just fought random enemies and shrugged because there wasn't anything for me to go off of as to why I should care. Too much freedom can be a bad thing at times.
Triscuit @bob_loblaw
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Problem with open world...
Triscuit @bob_loblaw
Just gimme plenty of fast travel locations and we're good.
What I don't wanna spend 20 hours doing...
Highway Curly @forgetmenot
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Problem with open world...
Highway Curly @forgetmenot
Same thing with me but, sometimes I come back glad I had gotten distracted because the story mission would have been too hard otherwise
Emil @tsunslayer420lolz
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Problem with open world...
Emil @tsunslayer420lolz
I think it depends on what you like to play and how you play games. I seen lotta peeps not like open world since they want more linear direction right? Big open world games with limited linear stuff means you control your path and make your own objectives. If you want to get distracted and do other stuff while in the middle of something else then that is how you play it. What's important is if you like it or not right? It's kinda like making your own fun. But I know people don't always like doing that. Just do what is most fun!
Gabriel @gabriel_true
commented on
Problem with open world...
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Mainly it's how varied the side quests are and how relevant do they tie in with the main objective.
If the side quests are endlessly redundant then being open world isn't worth it.
Not all games balance this well and often lose focus on what the overall purpose is supposed to be.
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