We are entering a massive technological revolution

Oyabun @senpaisamasan
commented on
We are entering a massive technological revolution
Oyabun @senpaisamasan
I for one embrace our new robot overlords and welcome them to the united nations

Mountain Curly @forgetmenot
commented on
We are entering a massive technological revolution
Mountain Curly @forgetmenot
Well, next on the list is to replace people with synthetic copies. This is all going according to Bethesda's master plan.

Arc @arc
commented on
We are entering a massive technological revolution
Arc @arc
Yesterday I used ChatGPT to help me figure out how to create batch files to mass uninstall programs. Crazy how good the explanations were

Arc @arc
commented on
We are entering a massive technological revolution
Arc @arc

I'm learning how to write some automation tests on the web. Who needs to pay thousands of dollars for college? Holy crap this is friggin mindblowing. Don't even need to search the internet. Just ask the almighty AI gods. If you want to get ahead in life, guys. This is it. I can't even begin to describe how much easier programming has become for me.

Sobo275 @sobo275
commented on
We are entering a massive technological revolution
Sobo275 @sobo275
Is that chatgpt?

Arc @arc
commented on
We are entering a massive technological revolution
Arc @arc
In a single day I created my first automation batch script for work with the help of AI to fix my crappy syntax and I took all the credit for myself! What would have taken me a year in college takes me seconds by asking my own personal AI SLAVE--I mean personal assistant! C++, C#, Java, I can write with whatever language I want!

Someone You used to know. @joemama711
commented on
We are entering a massive technological revolution
Someone You used to know. @joemama711
What field of work are you in @arc
Im studying via the odin project and flexbox is confusing me

Arc @arc
commented on
We are entering a massive technological revolution
Arc @arc
I'm in a senior QA position. I create test plans for the game team as well as handle anything that can be automated on the front-end

Someone You used to know. @joemama711
commented on
We are entering a massive technological revolution
Someone You used to know. @joemama711
Ah did you go to a tech school/ college for it? @arc

Arc @arc
commented on
We are entering a massive technological revolution
Arc @arc
I went to art school and got a video game design degree. I was more into technical documentation than actual programming because I always forgot syntax, but AI has really been helping my skyrocket my programming skills. Honestly college may be a waste of money at this point. Wish I had this tool years ago
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