Siru's weebo invention
115 @siruboo
Siru's weebo invention
115 @siruboo
I'll post a pic in the next post because it won't let me post it. It's a manga, game, music ect thing. You can put any dap in it ( amp for your headphones with a mp3 player). Listen to hi fi music while doing anything. Except you can't turn off music in movie. Movies suck now days anyways.
115 @siruboo
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Siru's weebo invention
115 @siruboo
115 @siruboo
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Siru's weebo invention
115 @siruboo
I'll post my new dap because this one is broken. Any day now. The controller is broken too. I just use I wired one and never use my switch as on the go or anything.
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