DNA Testing Kits

Gabriel @gabriel_true
DNA Testing Kits
Gabriel @gabriel_true
I was curious to know if anyone on here has used them and found the information gained useful. I'm referring to kits provided by 23 and Me, Ancestry, or otherwise. The 23 and Me was what led my family to learn of a lost sister. However I'd like to see others' stories.

yaasshat @yaasshat
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DNA Testing Kits
yaasshat @yaasshat
I mean, my current girlfriend did. She swore up and down that she was at least 25% Sioux. Guess what? Over 99% English heritage.lol I found it funny... Her daddy (Never met him, evidently dead and abandoned his only daughter.) had some 'splainin to do.lol I think I found more humor in it than she did(She at least laughed a little.). So, there's that. Those tests also work really well to tell you about genetic predispositions for various diseases and cancers.

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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DNA Testing Kits
Gabriel @gabriel_true
I went ahead and purchased the 23 kit simply because my sister and apparently other members of my known family are already registered. I have enough hard evidence paperwork to verify whether the test is accurate. So if they say I'm 70% sasquatch I'm going to ask for a refund, haha! That said I know for a fact I should be a three way split between British, French, and Irish. Ireland being majority at probably 70+% and France placing second at 20% with England bringing up the rear at 10%. Just a guess though. We'll see.

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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DNA Testing Kits
Gabriel @gabriel_true
As for health well...I will likely be reminded of my family's less than stellar track record regarding every kind of cancer plus metal illness to make the ultimate Deadpool genealogy.
But hey, I know my ancestors were really crazy about running track. Most of them anyway.

yaasshat @yaasshat
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DNA Testing Kits
yaasshat @yaasshat
Rock on with the "metal" sickness!!!!
Same, though, except i know unequivocally that I'm at bare minimum 50% German (Technically, first generation American on my mom's side. She was born in Essen.)
and then mutt mix of scotch Irish.

αleph-01 @a1ephy
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DNA Testing Kits
αleph-01 @a1ephy
I'm mostly native blood. Family on my mother's side spoke Náhuatl, which is the language of the Aztecs. I have some Aztec lineage. I am curious if I have ancestry from any other indigenous group from my neighboring area. Such as Purépecha, Mazahua, zapoteco, etc. My guess is yes. But I don't know for sure. Also sprinkle a lil bit of Spanish blood because my ancestors were butt fucked by the Spaniard during "la conquista." Which is basically where my last name comes from. Just like how a lot of other Mexicans got their Spanish last name Lol

Ghost @kuharido
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DNA Testing Kits
Ghost @kuharido
I did it. Some pretty interesting things. Mostly Afghan, no surprise. A big chunk from Iran, also no real surprise, lots of DNA near the Himalayas. Had Siberian in there. Found out later Afghanistan had a Scythian empire headed by a nomadic tribe from Siberia so that explains where that came from. Some Egyptian and Sudanese. Then a bit of Korean. Silk road, central Asia mix up I figure.
It did verify some family stories that we had an important ancestor from the North and some other ones that we came from the Himalayas.

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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DNA Testing Kits
Gabriel @gabriel_true
As I am still waiting for my results 23 and Me sent a notice that I must complete an "education" segment to view said results. Seriously? I have to do homework now? Good grief!

αleph-01 @a1ephy
commented on
DNA Testing Kits
αleph-01 @a1ephy
Out of curiosity. How much do they cost?

Veru @verucassault
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DNA Testing Kits
Veru @verucassault
Remember that episode of House that was all "you are NOT the father" where they say statistically 10% of fathers are raising children that they think are their's and House says the number is closer to 30%? I believe that was one of the first topics discussed in Sperm Wars (book) as well.... Anyway, long story short, I know someone that found out via one of those at home tests that they have no idea who their bio father is.
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