Real estate

Maccabe Million @trongx
Real estate
Maccabe Million @trongx
Need help buying a house in cali I don't wanna pay 1500/mo for a studio apartmen

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Real estate
Gabriel @gabriel_true
$1,500 is that all? I had a classmate paying $2,600 to live in Richmond, Virginia in a one bedroom apartment. Best of luck finding roommates.

Maccabe Million @trongx
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Real estate
Maccabe Million @trongx
I would prefer to live alone especially since What I'm looking at is studio-1 bedroom but maybe I'll crash with some friends for some time idk

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Real estate
Gabriel @gabriel_true
I agree. The most roommates I had were 1. I could not handle living with 3 others. But it be expensive for sure. For houses try moving to the country. A lot of small towns offer lower rent or if you are buying the government may give you money towards the purchase. My brother bought an old farmhouse and the local government paid the down payment for him because it was considered an agricultural investment. He has a small garden in the backyard to justify it as "farmland." Could see about it that way. He went from $1,600 in rent to a 760 monthly mortgage. Keep in mind the property needed work so roll up your sleeves because maintenance is all you, but it'll be all yours, chief!

Maccabe Million @trongx
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Real estate
Maccabe Million @trongx
The problem is its hard to find an actual "house" in a big city, and closer to your work no less, so if I don't want to spend an exorbitant amount on CALIFORNIA GAS then it would be nice to live closer to the heart of the city

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Real estate
Gabriel @gabriel_true
That's how they get ya. Put all the high paying jobs where all the high cost rent be. My brother's saving grace is that he is a truck driver by trade so long distance is par for the course and his company pays the gas bill. I myself drive about 40 minutes to get to work, but my house is also in the sticks outside the city.

Maccabe Million @trongx
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Real estate
Maccabe Million @trongx
Not sure if I should buy those electric bikes that everyone's talking about, apparently its a trend to bike to work now

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Real estate
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Most countries do. Europe been doing it for so long they made it a race. Asia been biking too. The United States is the odd duck out burning gas like it was no one's business. That said I can't bike to work or take a bus. Driving is my only option.

Maccabe Million @trongx
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Real estate
Maccabe Million @trongx
But honestly apartments seem like pocket change compared to a pretty average house

Maccabe Million @trongx
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Real estate
Maccabe Million @trongx
Back in ohio you could get a mansion for 500 grand
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