Your fondest memories with a past/present partner.

Uninterested. @coffeelink
Your fondest memories with a past/present partner.
Uninterested. @coffeelink
Hey, Wanted to start a thread for people to reminisce about either past flames or lovely memories with a current sweetheart. Please share your stories, and maybe perhaps we'll walk away with a new perspective.
I'll go first...
So when me and my ex-fiance went to rome for a vacation with just the two of us... I'd never trade this experience for the world. I recall getting off the plane and reaching our airbnb near the train-station and just falling asleep with her in my arms. One of the best sleeps i've ever had, after sleeping on a cold floor in a connecting countries airport.
The times we shared together was amazing... Seeing the sights with her, her beauty still unmatched even with the sights of rome. I recall when I finally got the guts to propose to her. Near the temple of Asclepius. I remember how smooth I was getting her to look deeply at this random podium, telling her there was very faint writing on it while i sneakily got on one knee behind her... The look on her face and tears streaming from her eyes as she turned around and realized what I was doing... priceless.
Her smile and voice as she said yes was the best thing i've ever experienced. Then our long walk in the park afterwards together...
Memories that feed a wavering heart... I was a very lucky fool, Too bad I didn't realize what I had fast enough. But... Still a memory that makes me smile today... even if its of something lost and gone.
Life is beautiful. I'm glad I got to experience one of it's greatest joys.

αleph-01 @a1ephy
commented on
Your fondest memories with a past/present partner.
αleph-01 @a1ephy
Ah yus memories. Put a ring on Ghost's beautiful feets

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
Your fondest memories with a past/present partner.
Lamby @momoichi
aww what a sweet thread idea. me and my bf's first date was at an empty theater, so we got to talk loudly and be obnoxious with each other. he hates insects and bugs, but he still went with me into the insect room at one of the smithsonian museums, looking at all the insects i pointed out. when we were living together he secretly hid chocolate around the house so when i was having a bad day, he would make me laugh by pulling it out of some random location. i have really bad anxiety, and despite being on his feet all day, after coming home from work he would walk with me outside so i could clear my head.

Highway Curly @forgetmenot
commented on
Your fondest memories with a past/present partner.
Highway Curly @forgetmenot
I remember when I tried to cheat on my girl. Keyword tried. Thing is she didn't care. She told me "you can go cheat on me if you want. It's okay because I know you'll just come back to me in the end." Thing is, she was right. She always was the one I loved and I love her for that her mind isn't too narrow to admit the possibilities of cheating. To understand that in today's world, "Exclusive" relationships were never an option. That I'm still with her to this day? Means I've clearly done my role correctly. Listen to uncle Curly on this. Obstacles, no matter how large, are contributions to success. A trial, you could say.

yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
Your fondest memories with a past/present partner.
yaasshat @yaasshat
That sounds... unhealthy on both parties part. It's not a trial if you're both setting up to "test" by temptation(It's like there's no trust or just trusting that your partner will be unfaithful.). Her mind isn't to narrow to "admit" (That's an odd choice of words. As if it has to be a possibility or even an expectation.) the possibility of cheating? So, being unfaithful isn't a breaking point, rather it's inevitable? Cheating is such a hugely disrespectful and unloving thing to do. No excuses. No "oops". No "It's always a possibility.". Dying is a possibility every second you're alive, but you don't normally go out of your way to increase the odds, do you? You love that she doesn't have enough self respect to leave someone who couldn't care less. It's not really an obstacle if you put something in your own way, now is it? There's a way to spin everything you said so that it actually makes sense and the way you put it is not Just my two cents since this is a public forum with impressionable minds.
Sweet release with divorce. Sweet, sweet release. Now, that's a fond

Highway Curly @forgetmenot
commented on
Your fondest memories with a past/present partner.
Highway Curly @forgetmenot
Would you expect anymore from a drunkard?

Gabriel @gabriel_true
commented on
Your fondest memories with a past/present partner.
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Me saying, "Eh gurl! I love it when you come, but I love it even more when I'm watching you leave."
Then she left and hasn't been back ever since. Such a gorgeous sight.
Ahhh, good times...good times.
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