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Mommy’s Random Thoughts

@criselington we do leave the bathroom door cracked open and my mom and dad let the cool air from the air conditioners in the 2 bedrooms flow inside
One of my fears is of spiders (specifically tarantulas). I hate spiders and especially the fuzzy, nasty and horrifying tarantula. I have tons of fears but some are too deep for this lol
Heat or a dehumidifier would work better to disperse the humidity and moisture in the bathroom
@criselington we don’t have any of those :3... idk if we could afford a dehumidifier
I remember saying you could dehumidify a room with stuff like salt
You can fill a bowl with baking soda or buy small things of damp dry to help out a bit. It's not a dehumidifier machine but they work too
Yeah rock salt and bakind soda should do the trick
They're not going to work as well as a powered dehumidifier but they'll definitely help control the moisture build up in the bathroom and are a temporary fix until your landlady can get your bathroom taken care of
@criselington I see. I wonder if they do ever come properly fix stuff if it’ll take a long time XD
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