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Mommy’s Random Thoughts

(4:01 PM Mon. Dec 26th) I had a dream where my baby brother got turned back into his 3-6 year old self. In the dream my twin put him in my arms since he was just cutely sitting there... and when I held onto him I started crying XD. I always feel emotions like that so badly when I wake up so I had actual tears gathering in my eyes and my heart was so happy/sad thinking of how much older he is growing now :(. He is taller than me now! Coming in at 5’6 now and his shoe size is like a 13 now! And he always makes sure to let his sisters know how much bigger he’s getting. He told me his feet have grown more but doesn’t wanna tell our mom ‘cause he doesn’t want her to worry or be frustrated at trying to find new shoes for him... again. I always joke and call his feet motorboats, but I hope he grows into his foot size... or else such large feet might look odd, huh? XD Anyhow, he is growing so much and our birthday is only in 3 months and it is weird seeing him grow. But I am also proud to see him grow... I don’t want him to though lol. I remember when I was told I was gonna have a younger sibling, I remember jumping around excited with my older ones at having another one but especially sine I wouldn’t be the baby anymore, I remember holding him on my Birthday and being excited I had a Birthday buddy, I remember his tiny little body and his baby laughter... and I am gonna cry for our Birthday this year. I don’t think it helps that in my dream he was technically a baby, oh how time flies! https://media.tenor.com/MJLk_TBtnGcAAAAd/mushoku-tensei-mushoku.gif
@forgetmenot How am I short? I was having an emotional moment and all you can say is “shorty”!? XD
I was going to say it must be a trend that kids are growing into giants at an early age. This month I visited with my nephew and at age 11 he stands at 6 foot. For context I am the same height. I had to remember I was talking with an 11-year-old and not an adult. Scary to think what children are gonna look like in 100 years from now if they all start maturing like this.
Here, I am only 5'8, My younger brother, who is 13, is 6'1
That's what I am saying. I am starting to believe the government really did start pumping us with growth hormones. How are so many young people getting so huge so fast? Sure we had Andre the Giants in the past before, but that was uncommon. This is ludicrous!
@gabriel_true @forgetmenot I do know and have heard of people putting growth hormones in fast food a lot too. But my brother hardly ever eats that, so on that case is it being fast food we can scratch that out... but I can believe they add it into the food (especially meats... still love meat though XD), But I think most food is probably dangerous today huh? They probably are doing stuff to the vegetables now, tsk!
Well did you know most vegetables are actually now part fish?
@gabriel_true The more you know I guess Gab https://media.tenor.com/5EnczxhUNcEAAAAC/the-more-you-know-the-more-you-suffer.gif
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