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Mommy’s Random Thoughts

(2:21 AM Fri. Nov 11th) My throat has been hurting again, but this time it doesn’t even feel like the sickness type of hurt/sore. I have been coughing like crazy if I breath a certain way and at first the left side of my throat hurt, then the right and now it is all of my throat that hurts when I cough and especially swallow. My ears (especially the right one) ended up hurting along with my throat... but, maybe it is a type of sickness for all I know.
That does sound rather severe. If at all possible do try to get a doctor to look into it. Sounds like there maybe more to your pain if it's spread to other parts of the body.
@gabriel_true maybe I should. It tricks me too lol, when I think it is getting better it hurts more... so maybe if it doesn’t feel any different during the rest of the day I will definitely mention it to my mom so she can take me to a doctor.
(3:16 PM Fri. Nov 11th) My twin had to go to the dentist today, she has a chipped tooth and was hoping that they’d be able to handle it quickly but her chipped tooth has a cavity in it and apparently she has to have a root canal done. But, despite that the day has been going well! Me, my sisters and mom had a girls day out and went to the mall so my eldest sister could look at beanbags. She is looking for herself and for us because we love to snuggle with her (she is such a kind big sister UwU), but she didn’t buy one as our current home is too small... they were nice ones though! She ended up buying me and my twin candy from a candy store (it was so big!), my sister got a huge jawbreaker and I got Japanese cookies & cream flavored KitKats.
(6:34 PM Fri. Nov 11th) I can’t believe Kevin Conroy passed away. He was the best Batman (the only Batman), condolences to his family and friends. It’s sad for such a talented voice actor and a part of many peoples childhoods to go, but may he Rest In Peace.
(11:02 PM Sat. Nov 12th) My throat is feeling way better now. Still some coughing here and there but all in all it is good. Which I am glad for ‘cause me and my baby brother have a dentist appointment on Monday and I don’t want to be hacking my head off as they are trying to do my teeth XD. Oh! My mom also brought home Macha Pocky for me to try and I actually enjoyed it! I still prefer the chocolate and cookies n’ cream one because I love sweet things, but macha wasn’t bad either.
That is a relief to see your health has improved. Were you able to check with a doctor to know what was causing it?
@gabriel_true I know! And thank you for the concern ^-^, but I actually was never able to get to a doctor. Because it was the same day I went to the mall with my sisters and mom so I never got to and by the time we came home it wa feeling a bit better. I do wonder what it was though?
(2:35 AM Sun. Nov 13th) My throat can’t catch a break. Now the middle of my throat hurts and it feels like... it’s swollen? Idk if swollen is the right word but it feels like it is tight, something is in it and it feels like it has been burned/scratched the tiniest bit. It also hurts to swallow again, looking up causes me to cough and breathing in a certain way hurts my throat too. And on top of that my ears are annoying me again.
Definitely see a doctor. Stop putting it off! Serious.
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