2022 Brazilian General Elections

Disdain for Plebs @nebelstern
2022 Brazilian General Elections
Disdain for Plebs @nebelstern
I promised and promised. And here it is, guys.
I bet no one will care all that much, but I guess I can make this thread go from "2022 Elections" to "Nebelstern Hates Democracy" pretty fast judging how the neanderthals that run the country speak, and the monkeys that become their militants.
Let's see... MO has a shitty thread writing system, where I can't just skip lines. I will probably use images as a form of protest.

Disdain for Plebs @nebelstern
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2022 Brazilian General Elections
Disdain for Plebs @nebelstern
Sunday will be the 1st round of the elections. And yesterday was a 3hs long debate between the 6 or 7 strongest candidates. (Most of them barely have 1% tho).

Disdain for Plebs @nebelstern
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2022 Brazilian General Elections
Disdain for Plebs @nebelstern
We have Bolsonaro trying for reelection; Lula for a 3rd term; Ciro Gomes and his old developmentalist project; Simone Tebet being the continuation of the based Michel Temer government (and some nice milkers); Felipe D'Avila, with the best proposals, but with 0 charisma and the star of yesterday's debate: Priest Kelmon, a schismatic priest (from an order that separated from the Syrian Orthodox Church) thay violated every rule in the debaye, therefore being based.

Disdain for Plebs @nebelstern
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2022 Brazilian General Elections
Disdain for Plebs @nebelstern
Oh yeah, and Soraya Thronicke, the 5th placer, the second stupidest woman I ever seen in Brazilian politics. Losing only to Dilma Rousseff. She managed to get one-upped by Bolsonaro of all people. And managed to respond to his accusations even when she was questioned by the other candidates.

Disdain for Plebs @nebelstern
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2022 Brazilian General Elections
Disdain for Plebs @nebelstern
Who shall win? Who will the dirty mob choose in this farce called party of democracy we are obliged to religiously partake?

Disdain for Plebs @nebelstern
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2022 Brazilian General Elections
Disdain for Plebs @nebelstern
Tbh? Idfc I got a new job and the World Cup is drawing near

Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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2022 Brazilian General Elections
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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Disdain for Plebs @nebelstern
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2022 Brazilian General Elections
Disdain for Plebs @nebelstern
I don't. Bolsonaro (and his family) is literally a petty thief with near 0 political capacity. He did more to destroy the image of Liberals and Conservatives in Brazil than Marxists, developmentalists and progressives could.

Disdain for Plebs @nebelstern
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2022 Brazilian General Elections
Disdain for Plebs @nebelstern
And he is more of a caricature of Conservatism than an actually serious Conservative.

Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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2022 Brazilian General Elections
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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