Worst/funniest first line from a dating site/app
Jacob @jacobl89
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Worst/funniest first line from a dating site/app
Jacob @jacobl89
Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya Lost control of that Sharigan and hypnotized them? Lol
Yea that is creepy though
Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya
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Worst/funniest first line from a dating site/app
Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya
It was one of those green card things. He wanted to become an American citizen and thought I was desperate/stupid enough to do so at the drop of a dime.
Arc @arc
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Worst/funniest first line from a dating site/app
Arc @arc
I once sent an introduction message to a woman I matched with on tinder something like: "I love unicorn's and I don't give a sh$# if you think that's weird!"
I went through a tender/okcupid phase where I just sent random messages to women because most of them were so boring to talk to. I was entertained by their reactions and that was good enough for me.
yaasshat @yaasshat
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Worst/funniest first line from a dating site/app
yaasshat @yaasshat
Way back, I use to come up with stories of adventure!!! For a while,I was a pirate in search of booty!!! Hey, I managed to hear about a good geocaching app thanks to another woman who at least found me entertaining.lol I only did that because it got to a point of not caring or trying to fit some online " persona mould" that everyone seemed to go by in robotic fashion.
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