Lets play skribbl.io!

serial sans @skeygeta
Lets play skribbl.io!
serial sans @skeygeta
Hey there boys and girls!
I already asked some people if they would be interested in playing skribblio together and there already is a small group that would like to play here and there.
The hardest part might be gathtering all the people together at the same time - especially with time shifts between some regions - so I decided to make this thread so everyone who wants to create a game room or wants to join can share the links here. :3
- What is skribbl.io? -
It's a small funny game you can play online with other people where one of the players will have to pick a random secret word and then try to draw on a canvas while the other players have to guess the secret word via chat. It's free and played in your browser so you don't need to download or install.
Here is an example screenshot of a random game (you can join random public games or create a private room to invite people via link)

serial sans @skeygeta
commented on
Lets play skribbl.io!
serial sans @skeygeta
@criselington @gabriel_true @audiosenpai @ivytsuta @kuharido @tsunpaper
I'll meet up with my fellow roleplayers later but I'll be back at night (what would be evening for the most of you I guess) so we could try to start a game later if you're not too busy this evening :)
Postscript: Everyone who wants to join shall be invited too of course! <3

Audio-senpai @audiosenpai
commented on
Lets play skribbl.io!
Audio-senpai @audiosenpai
My laptop still needs fixing

Gabriel @gabriel_true
commented on
Lets play skribbl.io!
Gabriel @gabriel_true
I'm off tonight and tomorrow, so I shouldn't be busy.
Currently the time is 12 pm for myself.
I take it that puts you at about 6 or so, Skey?
Or 18:00 military time.

serial sans @skeygeta
commented on
Lets play skribbl.io!
serial sans @skeygeta
Correctly. I guess I'll be back around 12 pm / 1 am so that would be about 6 pm / 7 pm for you, right?
I guess I'm not going to sleep before 4 am today (my sleep shedule is still crazy and it's weekend anyway). xD

Gabriel @gabriel_true
commented on
Lets play skribbl.io!
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Haha, the hour between 12 pm and 1 am is long.
Perhaps it's best to say see you at zero o' clock.

serial sans @skeygeta
commented on
Lets play skribbl.io!
serial sans @skeygeta
What a pity. But I guess if people enjoy the game it won't be the last round to be played! :D
Nya... 12 am I meant? o.o
Sorry, I'm always confused when it comes to numbers! x,D

Gabriel @gabriel_true
commented on
Lets play skribbl.io!
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Now it is playable on both phone and computer, right?

serial sans @skeygeta
commented on
Lets play skribbl.io!
serial sans @skeygeta
Yeah it is. I never tried on the phone but I can imagine playing on mobile might not be so handy with the small screen space? But I don't know.
@audiosenpai could simply try it out and see if it works :)

Ghost @kuharido
commented on
Lets play skribbl.io!
Ghost @kuharido
I can't do tonight cause I already have plans. I'm interested though
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