Terrible dating advice

Jacob @jacobl89
Terrible dating advice
Jacob @jacobl89
You may ask for dating advice.
I will only give bad advice. DO NOT FOLLOW IT.

banana milk @iloveminecraft123
commented on
Terrible dating advice
banana milk @iloveminecraft123
give me a dating advice please sir !

SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
commented on
Terrible dating advice
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
My advice is that, if you wish to receive appreciation, then prepare to dig a hole for two. Never expect anything.

Jacob @jacobl89
commented on
Terrible dating advice
Jacob @jacobl89
peepeepoopoogangstamstyle @iloveminecraft123 When you find a guy you like make sure to hide everything important about you and seem like a perfect person. Then keep up that act the rest of your life.

Jacob @jacobl89
commented on
Terrible dating advice
Jacob @jacobl89
[DERP] Snake T e m p e s t @solid_snake95
Not enough dick pics.

yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
Terrible dating advice
yaasshat @yaasshat
Hmmmm.... I've been asked how big my dick is. That's always a classic go to, men or women. Always ask how big thier dick is. Gotta know if you need to compete or delete.

Jacob @jacobl89
commented on
Terrible dating advice
Jacob @jacobl89
yaasshat @yaasshat Measure twice, cut once.

Sobo275 @sobo275
commented on
Terrible dating advice
Sobo275 @sobo275
When the date is almost over, tell her she was pretty good for a second option. It'll make her strive to be your first option.

۵TeaIsBetterThenCoffee۵ @liloisback
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Terrible dating advice
۵TeaIsBetterThenCoffee۵ @liloisback
I can't tell if that was good or really really bad

yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
Terrible dating advice
yaasshat @yaasshat
That's when you, as classy as possible start singing "I want to be the very best, Like no one ever was." while walking away.
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