Political rants
TwoShy @twobananasshyofapumpkinpie
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Political rants
TwoShy @twobananasshyofapumpkinpie
@electryc Don't waste your time, only one of them ever reads the breakdowns and always stays middle of the road anyway and the rest don't even bother. This whole thread is just a way to give high blood pressure to anyone with more than two brain cells.
Chocopyro @chocopyro
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Political rants
Chocopyro @chocopyro
@twobananasshyofapumpkinpie Dirt road dems have to live with our neighbors. Getting swept up in nationalist rhetoric designed to "do the thinking for you" and target specific groups is something we Appalachians have been dealing with ever since pedigree laws were put into place and the "Less white" got dumped into the hills to live with the Natives and the Scotch Irish, and whoever else was thrown our way. Our infrastructure is shit, our schools are a joke, and poverty keeps us from ever getting very far away. To be honest, it wasn't much different from when I was living in a predominantly black community south of Columbus. Minus the constant presence of cops that is. Those folks never catch a break. I could talk to my fellow Appalachians about this stuff. But not by giving up and calling them dumb, because if you know anything about the sociological stubbornness out here, that just makes em dig deeper into the bunker. But our general mistrust of authority? That's where you gotta reach them.
Now that said, those corn people over in the flatlands and the suburbanites waving tiki torches? They don't know what it's like. They don't have much thats actually at stake, and for some reason, we always get them running in our local politicians trying to pretend they're one of us. Those are the ones who won't listen to you even if you speak to them as a libertarian. The small government republican is an endangered species at this point. I doubt they'd even recognize their party politics from 20 years ago.
TwoShy @twobananasshyofapumpkinpie
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Political rants
TwoShy @twobananasshyofapumpkinpie
@chocopyro I didn't call them dumb, I implied they didn't have critical thinking skills. Lot's of smart people fall for dumb shit. There is a difference between saying the people who comment here often are not worth trying to educate and saying no one who believes the absurdities they believe are worth trying to educate. For as long as I've been on this site I've seen you here too, at some point you just have to accept that they don't want to learn the facts, that nothing you say will reach them and focus your efforts on the people that still have a chance.
Edit: Thinking about it again the phrase "having more than two brain cells" or similar sayings might have other meanings outside my area. In that case, it means lacking critical thinking skills in my area and not an insult to one's intellect.
Chocopyro @chocopyro
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Political rants
Chocopyro @chocopyro
@twobananasshyofapumpkinpie Thanks for explaining that.
Dyadka Yar @dyadka_yar
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Political rants
Dyadka Yar @dyadka_yar
Well I do have to be extremely critical and untrusting of the progressive leftist. Namely because they are now the lapdogs of the government establishment. Much how the conservatives were during the Bush era. Both serve the same masters, two sides of the same coin so to speak. I personally think both our political viewpoints have been hijacked by the establishment government and media system for their own gain.
QAnon on the other hand is this extremely strange enigma of information. I have never known a single person that has ever read QAnon, nor have the vast majority of my circle has even heard of it. I have an entire family of conservatives and even they have not heard of it. The only time I have ever heard of QAnon is when a podcasters or newscasters said, "QAnon says this nonsensical thing is going to happen".
So I think that QAnon having some degree of influence on society is ultimately untrue. What I do think about QAnon is that it's mere existence is to delegitimize any sort of counter argument to the current establishment as some sort of "QAnon" conspiracy. That way someone shows direct evidence that cannot be denied via normal critical thinking, it can be dismissed as some sort of QAnon conspiracy.
Chocopyro @chocopyro
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Political rants
Chocopyro @chocopyro
@dyadka_yar Well this is rare, you don't normally reply to me. What changed?
Anyways, no, progressives are not lapdogs, we just want America to modernize, we want our healthcare and education to match the standard of other nations, and we want America to become competitive with the rest of the developed world again, because dumping the majority of our assets into the military is how the soviet union collapsed. Also, you won't get anywhere with me re-skinning old anarchist conspiracy theories, because the one master stuff ALSO came from the anarchs. Remember. Anti establishment and decentralized. Anarchs hate the DNC too, its just less of a blatant example of authoritarian faschism. Those that ARE authoritarian in the left don't have the nationalist ferver that created Stalin's Russia or modern China. They all dwell in the corporate wing of the DNC. Now stop calling them the deep state and say it with me. Illuminati. They're not nearly as powerful as they were 30 years ago.
So you haven't even gotten curious where a lot of the weirder platforms of speech in your party come from? Good! Ignorance is bliss. Stay away from politics in 4chan and reddit in the mean time, and study up on the psychology of branding and how it manipulates those on the surface of the iceburg. Not to use it. But to recognize it so they can't be used on you. One thing you're going to learn very quickly is the left sucks at lying. But we're often better at noticing certain tricks when they are used.
You know who is perhaps the best at branding? The nazis!
There's a very simple formula to it. Something big and nebulously defined pertaining to morality, society, or relgion must be at stake. And its all the fault of political enemy A, or racial minority B, who are making an effort to cause degradation in it because reasons. Now let's examine the following.
"Despite these massive losses, companies are still borrowing from the ESG investment funds. From a business standpoint, this is clearly a failed venture. So what is the end goal here? Are the investment firms trying to forcibly change the social fabric of Western society? That is what I hear they are trying to do,"
Not saying you're a nazi, but someone in your echo chamber is reading from their playbook.
Chocopyro @chocopyro
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Political rants
Chocopyro @chocopyro
Oh yeah, here's a quote from some nazi (Joseph Goebbels) with the word "bochevism" replaced with "Leftist" or some equivalent, and all german state references replaced with American references. Yes, interchangeability is a feature of this branding formula.
“It [Cultural Marxism] is not only anti American, it is anti cultural.
It means in the final consequence, the absolute destruction of all
economic, social, state, cultural, and civilizing advancements
made by Western Civilization for the benefit of the rootless and
international clique of conspirators, who have found their
representation in socialism."
Dyadka Yar @dyadka_yar
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Political rants
Dyadka Yar @dyadka_yar
Nothing has changed, usually your points are not something I exactly argue against. Generally I think we both are after the same thing with different methods of getting there. I agree with the ideas of better education and health care, but my manner of it is the total removal of government from these institutions. The only thing large government has done to these things, is make them worse. Separation of corporate powers and government is my ideal system. I am a Calvin Coolidge type Republican so less big government and a more active local government is the way I roll.
i don't think there is a one master issue going on. I think there are many factions vying for power. I am of the personal opinion that the old system of establishment is crumbling and there are quite a few players in the game setting up for the power vacuum. ESG is merely a symptom of trying to set up a system to take a hold on both culture and corporation at the same time. This is also where the progressive leftists come in. There are too many bloodthirsty members looking to gain power that it cannot be ignored. These are people who are looking to tear down the current power structures and rebuild them. My ideals differ as it is based in hitting "system restore" and go back to a previouus state that was more workable.
I think that the conservative talking points that go kind out out there are more based on grabbing the nearest proverbial weapon and chucking it at the opposition. Some passing Facebook post becomes a political hammer. For example, People are constantly talking about MKUltra when the real system they are referencing to is ideological subversion, which is far more insidious than MKUltra. However we do have to ask the golden question. In reality, how much influence does Reddit and 4Chan have in the grander scope of things in more right wing politics? The answer is not a lot. Reddit is outright hostile to conservative thought and 4Chan's political section is not large enough to have any sort of significant influence.
Chocopyro @chocopyro
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Political rants
Chocopyro @chocopyro
@dyadka_yar Good response, even if I don't agree. See, now you are actually talking with substance, not feeling. Besides the part with the leftists that is cartoonishly simplified caricature, of rabid goblins trying to tear it all down. Here's how the real progressive operates. We are a coalition. We all agree on what the problems are, as we tend to focus on root causes rather than band aids meant to cover them up. But we are not of one voice. (Even the right is like this, by the way, just look at the reason why several republican seats are resigning lately.) We have varying factions and political philosophies constantly butting heads with each other for minor ideological differences. One group may claim they want to tear it down. I'm more in favor of reintroducing a lot of the old social infrastructure we had coming out of the depression. Just this time less exclusive to white people. A few revamps here and there to modernize it for the nation. That should be a serviceable enough system that would let me get my head above the water again long enough to build a disposable income instead of drifting into an out of poverty every time something breaks, or my health goes south. I don't personally think I have a lot of time left.
So then. You'd be right. There are in fact multiple factions at play, and the game was never black and white. This is how the real world functions.
Ah yes, MK Ultra. Classic. Yet another leftist conspiracy theory that aged pretty damn well. I agree with you. The furthest they got was the ability to tap into egregores, bu-... Sorry, getting into occultism here. Anyways, the paper trail with the government ends. Ideological Subversion however has its origins in that foreign interference I was telling you about earlier. It started as a KGB tactic. By the way, the current Kremlin of Russia is a former KGB agent. His version of Russia keeps the authoritarianism of Stalin, but swings more towards Oligarchical Capitalism. (Or Kleptocracy if you want to get technical.) So... Back to QAnon? That's the difference to how Putin plays the game compared to Stalin. Most of the examples of it I used to have seem to have been scrubbed clean since the capital riots. That tells me that homeland security is doing their job.
And yeah, that's why I told you to avoid Reddit! Same with Twitter and TicTok! But uh... About 4chan, I don't think you realize just how influential pol users they are to culture.
Dyadka Yar @dyadka_yar
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Political rants
Dyadka Yar @dyadka_yar
Now we are really getting some common ground here. Once again we have different methods and I can see the merit of yours. My main issue with the FDR method is that it should not be on a federal level, but a state level. Mostly because when it comes to government corruption it is limited to individual pockets rather than ruining millions of people across the entire country. While it would be ideal that government corruption would be eradicated, but we know better.
My main counter to the point that progressive leftist movement is not co-opted by bad actors and devilish characters is Hasan Piker. Now granted he has fallen quite a bit in viewership, but when he is one of the most viewed leftists in alternative media then we have a bunch of mini Hasan Pikers running around then that is indicating a rot in the political movement. To me your FDR reconstructionist view is perfectly reasonable. However on a wider scale I feel that the same theing happened to your position that did to mine during the Bush era. The more reasonable members of conservatism were replaced by authoritarian elements that were abusing the system and movement as a power grab. To me, the same thing has happened to the progressive leftist movement.
As far as MKUltra goes. I suspect that the experiments are still going on, or at the very least a spiritual successor. Namely the one with the DMT drips that are supposedly being used to map out the DMT realm. When it comes to ideological subversion, we are dealing with a three headed monster between Russia, China and our own nation. The process of demoralization is complete as nobody can come to agreement as to what is good, bad or any sort of compromise. Destabilization is going to be real ugly of which I suspect we are in the beginning stages of right now.
The main reason I suspect QAnon being an internal plot is that it delegitimizes all within the group, namely the opposition to the current power structure. It begs the question. How can you take the opposition seriously when they speak utter nonsense? The only thing I remember was one story that Donald Trump was going to return to the presidency a month or two after the official ascension to the office of Joe Biden which made no legal sense whatsoever. So the only people profiting from this are the ones who are currently in the established power structure.
Now when it comes to 4Chan, it has the ability to change culture on a small scale. If people think that Donald Trump won in 2016 due to a meme frog it is a bit outrageous. Did they help? Oh absolutely, but not to the extent that the election would have been lost without them. One thing to keep in mind is that the average age demographic of 4chan is primarily Millennials and that demographic didn't do too much for Trump in that election. On a microcosmic scale, 4Chan is a terrifying force. On a macrocosmic scale they are extremely limited as to their abilities.
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