Political rants
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
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Political rants
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
Well apply fot internships, network, get your name out there build up a resume. Thats pretty much where im at using my military connections to get a job
Anti-spyware @joemama711
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Political rants
Anti-spyware @joemama711
Very true, thanks
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
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Political rants
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
Listen im not trying to fear monger here, but i sincerely believe this is gonna become an issue pretty soon. Between the open invasion of the border and military aged males often entering the country sometimes not even being caught. Its crazy the US is rapidly falling behind on the military curve, on our infrastructure, on our policies. Like all it took was one hack on the pipeline system to shut down parts of the east coast back in 2020-2021. This is some scary stuff man at this point its too late to address the issue. Our military strategy to take down china is pretty trash tbh its all this diversity hiring and not holding people accountable.
Anti-spyware @joemama711
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Political rants
Anti-spyware @joemama711
I feel like ever since 2020 hit ( 4 years ago? Jesus feels like nothing). Americas model has gone from ' land of the free and prosperous' to "How can we learn to shortcut and underhand everyone while maxmizing profit". Im sure this has been going on for awhile though just kinda weird how scammy Capitlism is.
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
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Political rants
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
America has always been about corporations this has been a thing ever since rockefeller and his associates helped create the federal reserves. The government is ran by corporate interests. If i help fun your campaign and get you into office so you can get a steady paycheck going then you can line my pockets in return through laws that cripple middle and lower class. This is no longer about making more money, its a power grab, they want to control the masses ontop of that.
Dyadka Yar @dyadka_yar
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Political rants
Dyadka Yar @dyadka_yar
The problem isn't in capitalism. The problem is in crony capitalism where the corporations and governments work in tandem to screw over everyone. Before it was the military industial complex which was something you could avoid. Then it spiraled out of control starting with government sponsored insurances, namely the expansion of medicare back in the 90s. Then government involvement in personal communications over the internet during the Obama administration, massive expansion of IRS control over all forms of income or personal transactions. This is why I am a Calvin Coolidge Republican. A free market free for all.
Arc @arc
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Political rants
Arc @arc
I'm always going to be pro-capitalist even with it's scammy flaws. Our country is still the friggin richest country in the world and it isn't by accident. Greed drives innovation, and when everybody is climbing to the top, a lot of people make amazing things. Much rather be in our shitty corporate greed situation over being under communistic chinese rule where others dictate what I watch, or even worse, Russian rule, where my life is worth a little bit less than a sack of potatoes and infrastructure hasn't been developed since the 60s.
Chocopyro @chocopyro
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Political rants
Chocopyro @chocopyro
Capitalism: The owner of the business owns the business.
Communism: The local community owns the business.
Nationalism: The state owns the business
Corporatism: The corporation (Or a mess of conglomerate entities) holds more sway over elected officials than their own voters.
This may be oversimplified, but the point is, it has nothing to do with capitalism or communism. What we have is neither. Panda's argument originates from anarchism and libertarian arguments back in the 80s. It was never inherently a left or a right thing until more recently. I for one agree. A healthy democracy does not need cancerous tumors getting in the way of the voters.
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
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Political rants
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
@arc the issue is I dont believe America lives under the same model that we used to. I would say we are moving toward a more totalitarian or communist society. We are already starting to see states and representatives push those types of ideologies. In addition to that, we are seeing monopolies grow more and more which is killing off competition and causing innovation to fall to the wayside. I dont believe America is even a democracy anymore. You are starting to see people who are unelected dictate what the people should live by.
In certain instances i will use sweet baby as an example. I mean these arent really the same in a sense but it helps drive my point. But sweet baby said that consumers should not be catered to as it hinders the creative process. Well you can say if you arent catering to the people buying your product then we just dont buy your products. But then we have the government who we cant do that with. Like sure we can get everyone to stop paying taxes but the odds of that happening are slim. Then we can argue we elected certain officials. But then in the case of the president not EVERYONE voted for them. Then the people who vote for them dont want freedom when the people who have that sort of american spirit do. Its similar to china with how hongkong doesnt wanna be a communist society but doesnt have a choice because its majority rules.
Arc @arc
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Political rants
Arc @arc
@hell_hound7 it's true that our society is more screwed than we were 10 years ago
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