Well, my first relationship was a bust

MugiwaraMaster @mugiwaramaster
Well, my first relationship was a bust
MugiwaraMaster @mugiwaramaster
I would rather not devolve this into one large wall of text, but let me say that I really wanted this relationship to work.
I would rather keep that girl’s name anonymous since since IS a member here as a heads up. The first few months went quite well from what I remember. We enjoyed some games of Onmyouji and talked all sorts of animals. Then it started to go downhill for these last few months. Her intelligence started to take a major nosedive as a result, to the point I have to remind her what my job’s schedule was multiple times. No human being should be that stupid, even if they failed high school.
Then there’s her constant pushiness like telling me how I should take care of my damn pet frog or trying to force me to be a pet hoarder like her (Seriously, she doesn’t know when enough is enough to owning so many animals).
Her laziness, dear lord. I’ve inspired her more than enough times to be persistent when looking for a job like a good partner should. She just comes up with every excuse in the book why X job doesn’t appeal to her or why she’s too Y for the job. So much for wanting us to get married in Japan (Yes, she seriously wanted that to happen between us at worst).
She also likes to get herself hurt a lot andnever take her injuries serious. Shows me a picture of a rash on her arm, ignores my requests for her to get that checked. Yet she cared when tested positive for Covid or having a stroke in the morning.
I just realized that being nice to everyone and giving anyone chances can only take you so far. You are better off having some standards if you will ever make a relationship work. Lowering your standards will always lead to situations like this, being with someone who will drag you down in the mud.
That is all. Feel free to kick me down for my first failure or giving me some tips to move forward.

SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
commented on
Well, my first relationship was a bust
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
Props to you still man. Lasted longer than me. Could not go two weeks straight had to take a month break in between 3 times lmfaooooo

αleph-01 @a1ephy
commented on
Well, my first relationship was a bust
αleph-01 @a1ephy
Life's a bitch. Live n learn sucka

Sofia @gonebythenight
commented on
Well, my first relationship was a bust
Sofia @gonebythenight
You call her stupid and unintelligent.. so I don’t think this relationship was a success for her either as you don’t seem to respect her intellect just because she’s apparently forgetful. Relationships fail sometimes, that’s just life. But you shouldn’t shit talk the person publicly after the fact regardless of whether or not you call them out by name. SHE knows this is about her and reading this was/will probably be hurtful. If you need to vent (which I can see how that can feel good after a bad break up) do it to a friend. Not to strangers on a forum where she will most likely read it.

Veru @verucassault
commented on
Well, my first relationship was a bust
Veru @verucassault
I agree. It sucks the relationship didn't work out, but it would be kinder to not talk about it if they come here too.

silentmemory @silentmemory
commented on
Well, my first relationship was a bust
silentmemory @silentmemory
Feeling like it is ok, to get some steam off. 'Exposing' her is a bit off. Keep it with a friend. Insults are never the right way to handle a bad relationship, in the end you made it out and it is over, no need to bring it into public.

Amir @amir_bahram
commented on
Well, my first relationship was a bust
Amir @amir_bahram
Everyone's first relationship is always a bust. Happens to all of us. First relationships are meant to be a lesson. We learn from that lesson and make sure we don't make the same mistakes again. Now you know what to avoid and what to do.

Mea_chan @a13x_6
commented on
Well, my first relationship was a bust
Mea_chan @a13x_6
sorry to hear that... hope you can bounce back and find that special someone! keep trying man! :3

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
commented on
Well, my first relationship was a bust
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
Little advice, dont come here looking for love. Actual healthy relationships are rare. The only successful relationship i know of is arc x veru

Veru @verucassault
commented on
Well, my first relationship was a bust
Veru @verucassault
Mangabird and Sherflow too tho? There was another couple that got together before I even joined too I think.
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