Arc and I are engaged

Veru @verucassault
Arc and I are engaged
Veru @verucassault
Met on here in 2015. Met in person in 2016. I moved from Oklahoma to Georgia to live with him.
As of Nov 30, 2020 we are engaged.

Deri @deri
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Arc and I are engaged
Deri @deri

Veru @verucassault
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Arc and I are engaged
Veru @verucassault
Thanks! And the above pic is very fitting. I bought him a smol engagement ring as well as a trainer to prep him for wedding band life. XD

Arc @arc
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Arc and I are engaged
Arc @arc
Yeah, it's true. It took so much energy to prepare for it I've hardly been on in the last month. I had to create an elaborate setup for the proposal. It was exhausting.

Aka-san @redhawk
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Arc and I are engaged
Aka-san @redhawk
@verucassault @arc

SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
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Arc and I are engaged
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
HOLY SHIT YOU TWO CONGRATULATIONS! You two are shining examples that love can happen even on MO! ^^
Honeymoon plans yet? Hehe
✉꧁Liloisanalien?꧂✉ © @liloreo
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Arc and I are engaged
✉꧁Liloisanalien?꧂✉ © @liloreo

Veru @verucassault
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Arc and I are engaged
Veru @verucassault
Thank you!!! @liloreo @solid_snake95
@redhawk I'm tearing up, thank you so much

Amir @amir_bahram
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Arc and I are engaged
Amir @amir_bahram
@arc @verucassault
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