Gabriel's 1 Year Anniversary

Gabriel @gabriel_true
Gabriel's 1 Year Anniversary
Gabriel @gabriel_true
12 months ago, last November, I joined this site. Now I reflect on all that I have experienced since joining MaiOtaku!
My initial introduction to the site was far from welcoming. In fact the two users that first reached out to me were Aleph and Dat Boi (Fallen). It was in regards to taking a fellow user's cry for help seriously. Their view being it was a waste of time. A reoccurring theme on MaiOtaku is having individuals make proxy accounts to prank others for humor despite how dark or depressing the subject matter is. They say one should not put effort connecting with others here because of this especially within the realm of forums.
By now I have an improved perspective of what MO is like and I can say it is, as with all things, a mixed bag. Some people are genuine while others are genuinely unwell.
Dat Boi and Aleph's reasoning does have some rationale to it, but that does not mean it's worth giving up on humanity as a whole.
The day after I was able to make my first official friends on MO, @theghoulieleader and @redhawk (Charles the former Mod). Both engaged happily with me in pleasent conversations.
I remember Enki @hakutaku approaching me not as a friend, but as an introductory guide for navigatibg the labyrinth of threads within the forums. She even provided supportive advice along with sage wisdom to me.
Somewhere along the way I ran into @tarja (Jack-O) who mistook me for a YouTube creator who's name I already forgot. The guy posted food reviews about well known fast-food eateries with more reverence than is required of a McDonald's or Pizza Hut. I and this YouTuber do wear similar clothes, yet could not be any more different.
That said I enjoyed Tarja's interactions and would continue to make more friends as time went on. Once I began posting Anime reviews of my own attention by other users, such as Ghost @kuharido ; Koro @koroshiya_desu ; Baka Cheeto; Senpaisamasan; Kuroshiro_2573 @kuroshiro_2573 ; Rafaelsanzio @rafaelsanzio ; RAPHEAL @why_do_I_exist ; Beherit @beherit ; Bruschettebites @bruschettebites ; and of course KuroK, increased.
Time continued to move ever forward. As it did the list of names upon my account grew and shrank with the passing weeks. Then suddenly, I became acquainted with the shenanigans of a certain Cero. @cero
Cero seems to have remained the one constant mascot of the site. Whether friend or foe no one knows what exactly goes on inside his mind. The only other 2 users who can compete with Cero's enigmatic personality are perhaps ToriTori and Goater. At times I wondered if @toritori and @siruboo weren't alternate accounts masterminded by Cero to prank unsuspecting users like with his Fluffysaber @fluffysaber persona.
I suppose that will remain one of MaiOtaku's greatest mysteries!
All the while I had my share of in private interactions with a number of individuals who I won't name for personal reasons and respect for their privacy. The best way to put it is they were potential love interests that didn't pan out either due to distance or a falling out.
I have indeed met some psychologically unwell individuals. My basic nature compels me to attempt to make a connection. This stemming from my own childhood trauma of not wanting to relive watching someone make a desperate choice that ultimately ends their lives whether by career or actual life.
That said, I continue to keep in touch with those willing to remain connected. Sometimes I will purposefully put distance between myself and others if I believe it necessary in protecting our friendship or that I sense imbalanced expectations in forming a relationship.
These relationships involving me being treated as a replacement father figure or an intimate lover when I'd rather remain casual friends.
To those that have I fault not for I am aware of their backgrounds as well as experience. The thing we all must remember is who we are and choose to be. I can be no one but Gabriel, a man in search of a female companion who would equally wish to experience a life together managing a household while enjoying our various hobbies in each other's company!
So to bring this already long story short. In one year I have interacted with people all over the country and world. Most recently I have made friends and acquaintances with Sobo @sobo275 , Panda Tyrant @thepandatyrant , Lil Oreo @liloreo , Panda the Mod @hell_hound7 , Barky (Fallen) @wasistdas , Pirate @kyros96 , Veru @verucassault , Midoriya @code_016 , Twist-kun @Twist_Senpai , Laffantion @laffantion , Solid Snake @solid_snake95 , Tea Cup @thesailingteacup , JC @jc21095 , Frozen @frozenxheaven and Project @projectotakux.
I continue to look forward to another season of MO hijinks.
Lastly, I wanted to say thank you to everyone who has treated me kindly. I will also apologise to those that I may have made upset with my comments or sense of humor.
Oh and just one more thing! KuroK, I suppose our friendship is a distant past, yet I will say the important part is you are still among us. This brings me relief in ways you may not understand nor wish to know. However it's good to see you again. Especially because I know Koro has been heartbroken without you!
I mean the man practically broke when you left saying goodbye forever! Even wrote you sappy melodramatic poems about the depression of having empty "Last One Post" threads without color or presence of a beautiful friend.
Haha! I've said enough for now. Be well everyone!
✉꧁Liloisanalien?꧂✉ © @liloreo
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Gabriel's 1 Year Anniversary
✉꧁Liloisanalien?꧂✉ © @liloreo
Awwww love ya gab XD

SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
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Gabriel's 1 Year Anniversary
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
Happy Anniversary Gabe!!! Fuck yeah! You are awesome bro

yaasshat @yaasshat
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Gabriel's 1 Year Anniversary
yaasshat @yaasshat
Sooo... How's it been treating you? Any luck with those of the female persuasion?

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Gabriel's 1 Year Anniversary
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Haha! My phone is out of battery. I will have to answer that in a bit. @yaasshat

yaasshat @yaasshat
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Gabriel's 1 Year Anniversary
yaasshat @yaasshat
That's all good. I'm always curious. I gave up on that here years ago, got married, had a kid and now a divorce. Gotta check my prospects, although, to be honest this place isn't really good for anything on that front.

Cutting ties @theghoulieleader
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Gabriel's 1 Year Anniversary
Cutting ties @theghoulieleader
This account has been suspended.

LilyYazawa @lilyyazawa
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Gabriel's 1 Year Anniversary
LilyYazawa @lilyyazawa
I don't really think this place is hard to find women. Actually, I could be taken right now if I felt the same about the women who I've met.
I think a lot of people (not saying you) who say finding women on dating sites is a struggle because of their own execution. Even if I remain single post MO, I will never say its hard finding women here.
Also, happy anniversary!
✉꧁Liloisanalien?꧂✉ © @liloreo
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Gabriel's 1 Year Anniversary
✉꧁Liloisanalien?꧂✉ © @liloreo
I see XD not getting upset at all just kinda weird I see how you do interact with other people lily and I can't say specially your not that open :p that's all I say

yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
Gabriel's 1 Year Anniversary
yaasshat @yaasshat
Oh, I didn't say dating sites were hard(Been talking to and seeing a woman from another site for just over two months.). This one is rather pointless for me for a multitude of reasons...
Still, glad to see people like Gabriel here.
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