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Genshin Impact

Oct 06, 21 at 11:43am
People still play this game? *Sip* Can't relate.
^ this how little kids look when they see games on your phone
Oct 12, 21 at 8:33am
***mihoyo*** "Hey we have a new character to come up soon. Look at him." https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FBZfJs7UYAM07NR.jpg ***me*** https://c.tenor.com/u1H1QTx8sxIAAAAM/anime-in-love.gif ***also me*** https://i.pinimg.com/564x/b3/84/a3/b384a377860156a198943f9b7855bc32.jpg
@skeygeta Same! I kept on saying he's hot.
Oct 12, 21 at 10:18am
@hibarisan Unfortunately, yes. I'm always like "Sure, those characters are cool but I'm no fangirl or something..." ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ then Zhongli, Thoma and now this Itto appeared and I go like: https://thumbs.gfycat.com/BouncyTastyCopperbutterfly-size_restricted.gif I never had a chance ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ x,D
Oct 13, 21 at 2:21pm
Oct 14, 21 at 8:01am
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/373826006651240452/898193457401724938/Screenshot_20211014-085950-394.png https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/373826006651240452/898193457737261066/Screenshot_20211014-08584801.png What the..
Oct 14, 21 at 11:21am
elon musk is in primitive (im retarded i cant think of a word) trying to make advanced things. so hes like a little girl but also a masculine guy. glad he can laugh at that, hes kinda like a not as evil bill gates. the new bill gates, its a step forward or step back? no one knows yet. because going to mars in a rocket is funny and his fastest car in the world is healthy, is also funny. sorry im autistic and talk a lot about boring subjects. thats what goats are for.
Oct 14, 21 at 12:25pm
i like the cybertruck idea, except make it a cheep care with solar pannels. get rid of the tesla name because tesla wouldnt want his name as a car company. cyber sounds cringe too for a car. anyway carry on.
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