Anyone else missing conventions?

DonChalant @donchalant
Anyone else missing conventions?
DonChalant @donchalant
Both the cons I was going to go to this year(AnimeNext and Anime NYC) were both canceled and I've been missing the con vibe. Who else had a bunch of con plans canceled cause this dumb pandemic?

Veru @verucassault
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Anyone else missing conventions?
Veru @verucassault

Tiki @tiddy
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Anyone else missing conventions?
Tiki @tiddy
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Oliver @gvbhnim
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Anyone else missing conventions?
Oliver @gvbhnim

Oliver @gvbhnim
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Anyone else missing conventions?
Oliver @gvbhnim
oh this isnt the right thread

♡ Buni ♡ @gaybunbun
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Anyone else missing conventions?
♡ Buni ♡ @gaybunbun
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Tiki @tiddy
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Anyone else missing conventions?
Tiki @tiddy
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Chocopyro @chocopyro
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Anyone else missing conventions?
Chocopyro @chocopyro
My questlog is missing an entire year. I must gather sidequests for the convention folk, and attempt to do them!

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Anyone else missing conventions?
Gabriel @gabriel_true
I went to GalaxyCon at the beginning of the year and met Gilbert Gottfried! So my year is complete.
I also talked with Michael Tatum who voices the English version of Sebastian from Black Butler.

Cero @cero
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Anyone else missing conventions?
Cero @cero
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