New here~

Алиса @angelicsatan
New here~
Алиса @angelicsatan
Hey everyone, I just joined this site to meet new interesting human beings and share my love for anime to officially become a real weeb!
My friend told me to introduce myself via thread so I hope I did not overdo it, nice to meet you all (⌒‿⌒)

BlackHeart @blackheart323
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New here~
BlackHeart @blackheart323

Алиса @angelicsatan
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New here~
Алиса @angelicsatan

Koro @koroshiya_desu
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New here~
Koro @koroshiya_desu
I see another one dropped into the abyss...hopefully, you survive long enough to find it comforting in here ^^
*trust me...leave while you can once you start liking it down won't*.......we welcome you here....

brr brr deng @ncsistjaboy
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New here~
brr brr deng @ncsistjaboy
Hello can I take sometime to talk about our Lord and Saviour ?

Алиса @angelicsatan
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New here~
Алиса @angelicsatan
Yes please and thank you guys so much I feel so welcomed here already and am here just for a few minutes :3

Dyadka Yar @dyadka_yar
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New here~
Dyadka Yar @dyadka_yar


sixto @sixto
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New here~
sixto @sixto
well met!
i'm new here as well :)

Blasemt @upjrev
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New here~
Blasemt @upjrev
This account has been suspended.

commented on
New here~
Sadly this isn't the wonderland you were expecting
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