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Philosophy Thread

Jul 10, 20 at 10:30am
When you type a big long message about men vs women re: love, and you accidentally hit the back button on your stupid mouse because your damn cat of all the times in the world seeks affection only when you are at your desk or on the toilet. ...... I'm not on the toilet.
Jul 10, 20 at 10:31am
Glad you clarified xD
Jul 10, 20 at 10:32am
@swadian Maturity. There is emotional maturity and mental maturity. Emotional maturity depends on how well you are able to handle your emotions. Being emotionally immature may lead to unrealistic expectations, bad reactions to situations, uncontrolled emotions, bad stress management, and extreme sensitivity. Mental maturity is more to do with your biological development. It also has an affect on emotional maturity. How you are able to be aware of other's emotions and thoughts are also a good sign of maturity. How you can accept corrections and suggestions is important too. Emotional maturity is very important in relationships. Bring able to adapt to new situations and hardships indicates a strong mind and emotional maturity. People also have different responses to situations depending on childhood and upbringing. So not everyone really understand or are mature. There are mental problems that also causes problems in this case, but for the general, this is what maturity is.
Jul 10, 20 at 10:37am
I've said this before but I will say again anyone who doesn't understand the motivations between male/female heterosexual relationships (also known as BREEDERS) all you have to do is watch the Species movies. Females are always and forever consciously and unconsciously motivated for breeding. The traits they seek in partners are those they find attractive and would like to pass on as well as the others ability to take care of that brood. When these things are not satisfied or met by their partner, they will start seeking those traits outside and perhaps start moving on to greener pastures. The limitation of their eggs also plays an important role because women know they have a limited amount of time to breed. Because men have an unlimited supply and are not constrained by age, are motivated to just spread their seed to as many willing participants as they can. This is biological survival and evolution at its finest. No matter how much you try, this is an inherent core to their being and as much as women would like to, they cannot change this.
Jul 10, 20 at 10:39am
Archer: maturity depends on how well you can handle shit thrown at you Veru: we are animals humping each other's leg, dry humping!!!
@swadian MARCUS SAYS THIS: an amalgamation of life and read experience... tho it's subtle in nature and hard to quite grasp, evident when it appears or is lacking, but also large component of maturity for sure, is awareness... the type I spoke of before: being aware of things that happen internally, and how they affect us — one who notices they're angry, and knows why they are, is for sure more mature than one who does not. Now.. there's also the notion of brain development and hormonal balances.these things can really throw us out of binds... a teen is far less stable emotionally, even if well read, than someone older than them... can awareness of these factors balance their offset? I cannot say, but for sure there are 30 year olds, less mature than 16 year olds. Wisdom, awareness, responsibility
Jul 10, 20 at 10:42am
That is true. But there are more drives to the human nature, than simply sexual ones. Saying otherwise would simply be reductionist. Of course, dismissal of the reality of the power of sexual drives, which I'm sure many try to do, and thereby repression of the reality yields far more power of them and risks them possessing one's life, but... Awareness of them can bring light to things and lower their grip on us. I don't necessarily disagree with you, Veru, but you paint a fairly depressing picture of reality.
Jul 10, 20 at 10:43am
These topics are very very difficult to understand ;-;
Jul 10, 20 at 10:44am
To quote a great man "You're Mom" has me re-thinking my life to this day
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