Which fetishes would you ever want to try with a partner?

Which fetishes would you ever want to try with a partner?
A place to discuss what kind of fetishes you would be inclined to request your partner to practice them with.

Amir @amir_bahram
commented on
Which fetishes would you ever want to try with a partner?
Amir @amir_bahram
Absolutely Fookin none. Fetishes disgust me. They're weird.

commented on
Which fetishes would you ever want to try with a partner?
Mahuri @amir_bahram
Not even long shirts without anything underneath?

Amir @amir_bahram
commented on
Which fetishes would you ever want to try with a partner?
Amir @amir_bahram
Is that's fetish?

Oyabun @senpaisamasan
commented on
Which fetishes would you ever want to try with a partner?
Oyabun @senpaisamasan
She ain't got no tiddy

Titi @alihawk
commented on
Which fetishes would you ever want to try with a partner?
Titi @alihawk
Fuckin weak.

commented on
Which fetishes would you ever want to try with a partner?
Tiki @alihawk
Show us the way, pervert-master

Titi @alihawk
commented on
Which fetishes would you ever want to try with a partner?
Titi @alihawk
I would if this wasn’t on the common board.

Sailor Proxima @enteear
commented on
Which fetishes would you ever want to try with a partner?
Sailor Proxima @enteear
You're opening pandora's box with this one.
I'm sure most of us could go entire relationships without delving into any, that being said:
Acting out their fanfics and/or liked doujins.

commented on
Which fetishes would you ever want to try with a partner?
Tiki @alihawk
The adult board doesn't blocks anything, it's even worse to post there
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