canadian, f, 21

roseknows @roseknows
canadian, f, 21
roseknows @roseknows
hello!! im just looking for people to talk to and seeing where things go from there! my fav anime ever is mob psycho 100 and one of my fave characters is killua from hxh. down to play animal crossing or stardew valley! will consider getting valorant if u can convince me lol

commented on
canadian, f, 21
Ohhh, stardew it's a pretty cool game, I always get stuck at the end of year one and never finish a campaign though, have lots of fun here~

Rokas @sparkis
commented on
canadian, f, 21
Rokas @sparkis
We could play Valorant some time, though I am generally bad with first person shooters xD
Also welcome to MO!

Vagene @ahuman
commented on
canadian, f, 21
Vagene @ahuman
This account has been suspended.

αlερh-2 @alephy
commented on
canadian, f, 21
αlερh-2 @alephy
Weaboo, M, 100

Koro @koroshiya_desu
commented on
canadian, f, 21
Koro @koroshiya_desu
+1 to the canadian weeb comunity ^^...
nice to see more canadians here now ...

正義の味方 @gundamu
commented on
canadian, f, 21
正義の味方 @gundamu
Welcome to the site! I play animal crossing myself and I'm always down to have more islands to rai- I mean friends to play with. :0

Jessie @erendel
commented on
canadian, f, 21
Jessie @erendel
Hello, welcome to MO.
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