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A different approach to combat harassment towards women

MO's had way too drama. I've been here for nearly a year to see this through crap.
Your confidence was shattered I get that but you can build it back up to be an unbreakable wall to where no one can hurt you again.
I hate doing this but... "As I said you dont know shit so shut the fuck up please" > You come in, start insulting everyone > Make strong allegations with no proof > Expect everyone on a thread that has nothing to do with you to believe you 100% "Fucking Charles I need my fucking apology right now..." And you expect me to apologize for what exactly again? https://thumbs.gfycat.com/SkeletalVioletFurseal-size_restricted.gif
jo One thing its a problem you have with tal (that's between you and her) and other its creating drama in the open to make everyone choose a side There's a difference, we don't have the responsability nor the duty to even make an opinion in personal problems between the members (unless it affects the community as a whole), we aren't a personal judge. If you have a problem resolve it between you two, if there isn't an answer let the problem die and move on. That's how life works It's not the time, it's not the place
Not sure what's going on, but if anyone has thoughts of self harm or suicide, it's no one else's fault. If you have mental issues, please seek help.
This place is trash smh, sick and tired of this bs. This is why we dont have any nice females. You guys chase them away and then all we are left with are the same females you guys keep complaining about. Its a never ending cycle. If only we could get rid of these guys for good man
Crusader... You're not sorry, ever. You've said that how many times now without change? @Shoniya I'm sorry that this has devolved because of an egotistical mental case.
"Im sorry shoniya and Charles you both called me in incel" Alright point out where I called you one on here then but you know what, I'll humor you though "Im not an incel ok???" https://i.imgur.com/r6BFIjf.jpg
yaasshat @yaasshat It's okay, I kind of thought it would end up this way... A shame really For the note, I don't particularly hate anyone, people is just annoying when they don't let go of things. I truthfully believe people can change if they set their mind to it, even the forbidden names, if only they weren't such obsessive douches though
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