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A different approach to combat harassment towards women

@reimisan he said something about that u made him almost commit self suicide
I mean all kinds of suicide are self-done... but.. those are just technical details
About to topic, I'm not sure, but I still belive the site itself has poor tools to deal with all this stuff. For what I know the block option is still lacking, the mods have limited power comapared to other sites (not sure if it's still like this, closing a derrailed thread like this could be good for example) and new people don't know who are the mods in the first place. I was thinking a more extreme idea could be something like the site "forcing" to make an introduction thread, and only after a mod or someone like that gives the thumbs up, then they can chat and use the rest of the forum, but maybe that's a little too much and trolls would still pretend to be good at first anyways rofl
Those who desire redemption, shall recive it. Amen
Cruz Aider @ncsistjaboy Actually, I attended church a few hours ago, the priest had a very interesting sermon this time. May the grace of the lord be within you~
I always miss out on these things. Is that good? Eh Sorry for this random thought and no real input
Does the block feature on this site not work? Would be better than pretending to be a guy since that would come off as dishonest, even if is to avoid potential harassment. You'll start thinking of what else they could've been lying about and probably wouldn't trust them as much as you used to. It's also counter productive if they're trying to find a guy to be in a relationship with since it decreases the chances of getting added by a guy. The website is advertised as a dating site so it's not surprising to find guys who aren't interested in accepting friend requests from other guys if that's what they use it as. Also, how would you deal with other women sending you friend requests who thought they were adding a guy? If you tell them the truth right off the bat to avoid complications, you risk one of them "exposing" you either intentionally or accidentally. If you don't tell them immediately then you're still lying to them and potentially misleading them into liking you because they thought you were a guy. What I'm trying to say is that doing this would just lead to a bunch of unnecessary misunderstandings, confusion and headaches down the road. It's already kinda iffy with the fake ages.
Dawg you reading too far into it. This is a really shitty place to find something real. Just shit posts and anime/manga enthusiasts really. Bumblebee, hitched, and going out to clubs and shit is soooooo much better. Even tinder, my last love I found on tinder. She was toxic as hell, but I loved it lmao
Yea I get that, just thinking out loud.
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