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A different approach to combat harassment towards women

Charles, I'm sure you did. However, not without dragging out the drama a bit. This thread has nothing to do with what Shoniya originally intended. You made no effort to just ignore and report the guy, you played along and helped trash the thread. I don't care about whatever drama is happening, the dude is clearly mental, but there are better ways to handle things and set an example. But, I'm just a simpleton with simple ideas.
Yeah I admit it did go a bit far. Usually I do report in silence but I pointed out what the guy was doing was wrong. Maybe I shouldn't have used the meme. I can only speak for myself and not the actions of others who jumped in.
I set my gender to human to make it more androgynous and to see how that plays out as a social experiment, partially because science. I definitely do see the slight disparity in how people act depending on what gender they perceive me to be.
I apologize as well. I let personal feelings get involved. It appears I have a long way to go still.
And here comes the "cookie jar" brigade... "I got called out AND NOW I'm sorry." Ya know? I was a dick at times in the past, but I'm truly trying to turn a new leaf(here and offline). It's just that I've seen this type of thing countless times on here and mods typically join in the "fun". I get calling someone out, I do, but this just blew up what was going to be maybe a helpful thread.
I really dont consider myself a mod anymore, seeing as i have the same power as any other user...i have stepped away from mod. I will address issues and all that but when it comes to banning i really dont even ban. I just let other mods deal with it. While providing info. Next time people wanna call me out for joining the fun just remember this XD
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@reimisan For what I saw in this thread he wanted you to apologize to him :^)
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