Do you prefer it Shaved, trimmed, waxed or bald?

Do you prefer it Shaved, trimmed, waxed or bald?
I have wondered about this for a while, beards are a world on its own after all.
I usually trim my own beard to keep it on shape, have seen some people using wax because their skin gets really irritated when they shave it, so how do you prefer them? For men, their way of cleaning them, for women, the looks?

Avenger @avenger_senpai
commented on
Do you prefer it Shaved, trimmed, waxed or bald?
Avenger @avenger_senpai
I trim it short and shave it a bit to even it up. I don't use oils and it's short enough to just clean properly with a bit of water if it gets dirty. I don't mind a full clean shave but it grows back quick and I prefer having some facial hair.

filipakatsuki @filipakatsuki
commented on
Do you prefer it Shaved, trimmed, waxed or bald?
filipakatsuki @filipakatsuki
oh this is about beards...well guess I misinterpreted that title

Avenger @avenger_senpai
commented on
Do you prefer it Shaved, trimmed, waxed or bald?
Avenger @avenger_senpai

Nat @the_noctor
commented on
Do you prefer it Shaved, trimmed, waxed or bald?
Nat @the_noctor
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commented on
Do you prefer it Shaved, trimmed, waxed or bald?
I mean, you can also talk about the other topic as well if you want

Nat @the_noctor
commented on
Do you prefer it Shaved, trimmed, waxed or bald?
Nat @the_noctor
This account has been suspended.

Laffantion @laffantion
commented on
Do you prefer it Shaved, trimmed, waxed or bald?
Laffantion @laffantion
9mm beard like parabellum rounds

. @sxfe
commented on
Do you prefer it Shaved, trimmed, waxed or bald?
. @sxfe

commented on
Do you prefer it Shaved, trimmed, waxed or bald?
Wow it's the first time I've seen someone commenting on the uni eyebrow, is it really something that should be tempered with? I have one, it barely connects but it does.
In the past I would pluck a bit of the hairs to make them two separate brows, then I figured out the hairs were coming even larger and thicker every time, essentially making it more noticeable... F
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