Fan Art thread

永遠のルナ一 @eternallunar1
Fan Art thread
永遠のルナ一 @eternallunar1
So I remember a long time ago, Tal made a thread where you just post some of your favorite fan art by artists from anime/games or whatever. So thought I'd revive it. xP (Although I'm sure there's been a few threads in this section before but ehhh)
Been in a Shining Force 2 mood recently, so here's some nice Shining Force 2 Fan art

永遠のルナ一 @eternallunar1
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Fan Art thread
永遠のルナ一 @eternallunar1
Wouldn't call myself a shipper by any means, but I'm a sucker for Wonrei and Lien from Gash bell. This is pretty nice fan art of em.

永遠のルナ一 @eternallunar1
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Fan Art thread
永遠のルナ一 @eternallunar1
This one's nice too.

Mr.overlord @sonoftheoverlord
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Fan Art thread
Mr.overlord @sonoftheoverlord

Compa from hyperdemention neptunia

[__________] @code_016
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Fan Art thread
[__________] @code_016

yuuzora @yuuzora
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Fan Art thread
yuuzora @yuuzora

One of the first things I drew when I got my tablet two years-ish ago.
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